- People were scrambling madly for shelter. 人们疯了似的抢着往隐蔽处跑。
- Many are just scrambling along in the world. 许多人只是勉勉强强地度日而已。
- Sound waves are measured by their amplitude. 声波是根据其振幅来测量的。
- amplitude scrambling 幅度置乱
- The amplitude or loudness of a sound. 音量声音的响度或强度
- By their comprehensiveness and amplitude these picture fille the imagination. 这些照片以其综合性和丰富而充满了想像力。
- Mary is scrambling eggs for breakfast. 玛丽正为早餐而炒鸡蛋。
- Shoppers were scrambling to get the best bargains. 顾客争先恐后地抢购最便宜的特价商品。
- Noise immunity is the maximum amplitude of noise. 抗扰度是最大的噪声幅值。
- By their comprehensiveness and amplitude these pictures filled the imagination. 这些照片以其综合性和丰富而充满了想像力。
- They were all scrambling to get the bargains. 他们都争先恐后抢购廉价货.
- Mary is scrambling eggs for breakfast . 玛丽正为早餐而炒鸡蛋。
- To increase the amplitude, intensity, or volume of. 提高增强宽度、强度或音量
- Woody climbers or erect or scrambling shrubs. 木质藤本,或直立或攀缘的灌木。
- And I know yhe amplitude of time. 我知道时间是多么永恒无垠。
- R (L) is the amplitude of the transmitted light. r(L)是透射光振幅。
- AVA Amplitude Variation With Angle. 振幅随采集平面的方位角的变化。
- AVO Amplitude Variation With Offset. 振幅随偏移距的变化。
- What is Pulse Amplitude Modulation? 什么是脉冲调幅?
- Inventors everywhere were scrambling to build motorized vehicles. 世界各地的发明家都在争先恐后地来造机动车辆。