- His all worldly possessions amounted to little more than the clothes he stood up in. 他在人世间的他部财产,除了身上所穿的外,别无他物。
- I am getting fed up do what amount to little more than high school chemistry experiments. 做些和高中化学实验差不了多少的事情,我真受够了。
- I am got feed up do what amount to little more than high school chemistry experiment. 做些和高中化学实验差不了多少的事情,我真受够了
- It would be remiss and premature to suggest that Vidic, at 28, has peaked and is on the way down after what may amount to little more than a minor blip. 大部分人认为这不过是28岁的维迪奇的一些小失误,而不会认为他将会开始走下坡路。
- By the time income tax and other changes are deducted,his salary amounts to little more than half the norminal amount. 扣除所得税和其他费用,他的薪水比名义上的数额的一半多不了多少。
- A UN call in 2005 for "digital solidarity" has so far amounted to little. 截至目前,联合国于2005年呼吁的"数字联合"发挥的作用仍甚小。
- UN call in 2005 for “digital solidarity” has so far amounted to little. 截至目前,联合国于2005年呼吁的"数字联合"发挥的作用仍是甚小。
- His debts amount to 5,000 pounds. 他的债务共达五千镑。
- The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum. 长途电话费数目相当可观。
- He is so dense he'll never amount to anything. 他十分愚钝,决不会有出息。
- His investments amount to five million dollars. 他的投资额达五百万元。
- It's bore to little children having to go to school every day. 要小孩子们每天去上学真是一件烦人的事。
- They cost between C$600,000 and $2m ($600,000-2m), an enormous amount to locals, but a snip to European buyers used to less space for more money. 它们的成本在60,000-2,000,000加元之间,对当地人来说是笔庞大的支出,但对于习惯于花大价钱买小地方的欧洲买家而言,只是九牛一毛。
- This "consent decree", large parts of which will expire in November, amounted to little more than a slap on the wrist. 这份大部分内容将于11月失效的“同意法令”,对微软而言无关宏旨。
- They don't amount to a shoestring. 它们不值什么钱。
- Put this way, Prof Mintzberg's argument amounts to little more than saying education is wasted on the young. 这么说吧,明茨伯格教授的论点无异于宣称,年轻人受教育是一种浪费。
- Without a proper type system, applications were reduced to parsing HTML to extract semantics, which amounted to little more than screen-scraping. 没有适当的类型系统,应用被迫解析HTML来提取语义,这与抓屏一样没什么价值。
- He wrote a lot in his letter, but it does not amount to much. 他在信中写了很多,但实际上内容不多。
- Legalization may create a chance for taxation, but very often it does not go that far and amounts to little more than decriminalization. 合法化管理可能会创造征税的机会,但是征税的力度常常并不够,而且税收比祛罪化管理方法多不到哪儿去。
- If a male’s reproductive strategy amounts to little more than “Wham, bam, thank-you ma’am”, this may not matter to him much. 如果雄性的生殖态度不过是爽完就走的话,这样的事对他们来说也算不了什么。