- Changes in climate affected the amount of rainfall. 气候变化影响了降雨量。
- The amount of rainfall is down compared with last year. 同去年相比,降雨量减少了。
- The amount of rainfall determines the quality of the crop. 降雨量决定着收成的好坏。
- Its depth does not change with time,nor does it change with the amount of rainfall. 它的深度,是不会因时间的长短,或雨量的多少而有所改变。
- NASA satellites sense the 'greenness' of vegetation, giving an idea of the amount of rainfall and hence the amount of grain the crops will produce. 美国宇航局的卫星能感知植被的“绿色”程度,这体现了降雨量的多少,因此也就能推测出农作物能生产出的粮食总量。
- Title: The Influence of Rainfall and Amount of Ingested Leaves to the Effect of Chemical 9901 on the Control of Apanteles sp. 关键词:柞蚕绒茧蜂病;药剂防治;9901可湿粉剂;降雨;食叶量
- The warmth of the summer months, the amount of rainfall and the gentle slopes of the land have made settlement and cultivation possible over large parts of the continent. 由于夏季温暖,雨量适宜,山坡平缓,人们已经有可能在这个大陆的大部分地区定居和耕作。
- Male syconium production was positively correlated with the amount of rainfall and temperature, while female syconium production was positively related to temperature only. 雌榕果量仅与气温呈正相关,雄榕果生产则对气温、降水呈正相关。
- The climate affects the amount of the rainfall. 气候影响了降雨量。
- The climate affected the amount of the rainfall. 气候会影响雨量。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 这地毯极其耐用。
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. 险损赔偿额保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量
- Just think of the amount of time wasted. 想一想多少时间被浪费了。
- The amount of unemployed capital is very large. 未被利用的资金数量很大。
- There is a lot of rainfall in South China. 中国南方雨水很多。
- The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage. 铁路免费运送的行李是有一定数量的。
- The extremes of rainfall intensity are given. 给出了暴雨强度极值;
- She has a fair amount of money put by. 她存了不少钱。
- The amount of money we have is limited. 我们的钱数额有限。