- He, among other things, talked about the present situation. 除了别的话,他还谈了当前的形势。
- My roommates are very keen on bridge cards among other things. "我同房间的人,除了其他活动外,还喜欢玩桥牌。"
- He is very brave, among other good traits. 在各种不同的优良品质中,他也是很勇敢的。
- She's very keen on sport: among other things, she plays tennis twice a week. 她很喜欢体育活动,除了其他活动外,她每星期打两次网球。
- You're a coward--among other things. 你是个胆小鬼----在别的事情上就是如此。
- Among other things, I saw the Taj Mahal. 除了众多的行程外,我尚参观了泰姬玛哈陵。
- Red always stands out among other colors. 在各种颜色中,红色最显眼。
- This has made him stand out among other pitchers. 这项特质让他在众多投手中引人注目。
- Standing out among others of its kind; prominent. 杰出的在同类中显著的; 杰出的
- Police found Jones hiding in an opium den, among other men all hopped up with the drug. 警察发现琼斯躲在鸦片馆里,和那里的其他人一样被毒品熏得昏昏沉沉的。
- Among other problems, the Cardinal was too small and had no trunk. 除了别的问题之外,红雀太小了,又没有行李仓。
- Among other writers on the staff of McClure's, two were notable. 《麦克卢尔》杂志工作班子的其他作者中,还有两位值得注意。
- Among other things he was interested in collecting old coins. 他尤其对搜集古币感兴趣。
- Among other things hissing is considered rather rude. 诸多行为中,尤以发嘘声被认为是非常不礼貌的行为。
- Ueberroth was, among other things, preternaturally lucky. 尤伯罗斯,真的是一个很走运的人。
- The company Rolf Benz AG &Co. KG offers among other Sofa. 提供保护、覆盖、购买及酒店领域内的报价。另外,公司也提供购物和铺地毯的地面。
- Among other sports that originate in Persia are polo and jousting. 另外,波斯还有马球和骑马长矛比武等项目。
- Among other things, this is the only place to gamble a bit. 与其它地方不一样的是,这里是唯一可以进行一点小赌博的地方。
- Among other items, the menu listed "Twin Lobsters - $45. 在菜谱中有道菜是"孪生龙虾--45美元。"
- Among other moves meant to restore confidence, Neel T. 另一些举动则意味着重塑市场信心,NeelT.