- Everyone’s pulverized and beat, and there’s 24 hours in a day, so woulda, coulda, shoulda, but, you know, there was no office to do “feel-good” stuff. 每个人都在拍桌子和垂头丧气,一天24小时不停歇,但是你知道,没有哪个机构在做能让状况变得好起来的事情。
- Kiefer Sutherland (from TV's 24) comes face-to-face with the ultimate forces of evil in this shocking thriller from the director of The Hills Have Eyes. 性格狂莽兼冲动的纽约探员班卡逊因意外枪杀同僚而惨遭革职,妻儿更难忍他的暴躁脾气而离去。
- Onto the scoring C1 scored a huge 30.5 points over C2’s 24 points , this is partly due to the fact that C2 is not opening well enough and needs a little more time. 又到了计分时间,C1得到30.;5的高分,而C2得24分,这麽大的差距可归因于C2的香味还十分紧闭,没有足够时间盛放出来。
- A useful trade is amine of gold. [谚]一技在身犹如金矿在手。
- January 24 What 's on TV tonight? 今晚有什么电视节目?
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他们在气候较暖的地方过冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英语的复数名词多以“s”结尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 这件套头毛衣洗过多次已缩水了。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的爱好。
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列问题。
- Most plural nouns in English end in s'. 英语的复数名词多以s结尾。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 这就是那些图样.;你喜欢哪一个[些]?
- Which journal(s) do you subscribe to? 你订阅哪一种杂志?
- The novel had an enormous vogue in the 1930's. 这本小说在三十年代曾广为流传。
- He earned four A's in the final examinations. 他期末考试四门功课得优。
- Amin asked him: "how injured his face? 阿明就问他:“怎么脸上挂彩啦?
- The Beatles were the pop idols of the 60's. 披头士乐队是六十年代人们崇拜的偶像。
- "Diola lle, Elrohir, amin yanwuva rato. (谢谢你埃尔洛赫,过一会我就回去。)"
- He returned to the fold at his 80's. 他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。