- As one kind of negligent offenses, negligent offense in environmental regulation was incorporated in the Amendment of Criminal Law in1997 to meet the demands of environmental protection. 环境监管失职罪是应环境保护事业的需要,于1997年修改《刑法》时增设的罪名,属于渎职罪的一种。
- Amendment of criminal law 刑法修正案
- Probe into difficult issues of criminal law in practice II. 刑事法实务疑难问题探索2。
- Mr David Leung, SGC : supporting the work of criminal law reform. 高级政府律师梁卓然:支持刑事法律改革工作。
- the amendment of criminal procedure law 刑事诉讼法修改
- amendment of criminal procedure law 刑事诉讼法修改
- The Sixth Amendment of the Criminal Law 刑法修正案(六)
- The view of present theory of criminal law to aggravate basic is over narrow. 现行刑法理论对加重基础类型的认识过于狭隘。
- amendments of Criminal Law 刑法修正案
- Causality in criminal law is a rather important and complex issue both in theory of criminal law and in practice of criminal law. 摘要无论在刑法理论上,还是在刑法实践上,刑法因果关系都是一个极其重要而又极其复杂的问题。
- The prosperity of the austerity of criminal law embodies the criminal law under change. 刑法谦抑理念的勃兴体现着变动中的刑法。
- Criminal illegality is no doubt the keyword of criminal law in a country ruled by law. 刑事违法性无疑是法治国家刑法中的一个关键词。
- The research of "crime of post" is one of the most important topics in the study of Criminal Law in China. 职务犯罪研究是我国刑事法学研究中的重要课题之一。
- Is there a lot of criminal action in Taipei? 台北是否有很多犯罪行为?
- Although murder is not prescribed in China, intentional killing cime is provided under the article 232 of criminal law. 我国虽然没有对谋杀罪的规定,但我国刑法中有对故意杀人罪的具体规定:故意杀人罪是指故意非法剥夺他人生命的行为。
- Criminal capacity is a concept in the sense of criminal law, and an abstract type of legal analogy. 刑事责任能力是一个刑法意义上的概念,是法律拟制的抽象类型。
- And the fifth amendment of the US constitution. 就是美国宪法第五修正案。
- The culpability form of abuse of authority has been the dispute focus in the circle of criminal law. 滥用职权罪的罪过形式一直是刑法理论界争论的焦点,但到目前为止尚没有一种学说取得通说地位。
- Amendment of the commercial credit is advised. 商业信用证更改已通知。
- Article 314 of Criminal Law is about crime of illegally handling the property sealed up, distrained or frozen. 摘要刑法第314条是关于非法处置查封、扣押、冻结的财产罪的规定。