- ambler superdraft 安氏超大牵伸
- Moving its six crablike legs was the easiest part for Ambler. 动动六条蟹爪似的腿对“漫步者”而言还算最轻松的事。
- Ambler's parents applauded happily at its first steps. “漫步者”的人生第一步令其父母亲们鼓掌雀跃。
- A robot cannot have a remotely linked head, as Ambler did. 一个宇航机器人不能象“漫步者”那样,身在太空,头在地球。
- Contrast that to a tiny, real ant just under one of Ambler's big padded feet. “漫步者”的一只大脚垫下面有只渺小的蚂蚁,与“漫步者”那巨大的身躯形成鲜明的对比。
- Ambler spends its time, not walking, but worrying about getting the layout of the yard right. 他常常停下来,花大量的时间来试图搞清楚院子的地貌布局,却又对其判断患得患失。
- Simply representing the terrain so that it could calculate how to traverse it turned out to be Ambler's curse. 即便只需要简单地描绘出地形以便自己可以计算出行动的途径,也成了“漫步者”的噩梦。
- User interface design standards should be set during the Define InfrastructureStage (Ambler, 1998b). 用户界面设计标准应该在底层结构定义期间制定。
- Thirty-one, including the gunman, died at Norris Hall;two died at West Ambler Johnston Hall. 希望此次事件的发生,与我们华人无关,再次为无辜的受害者及其家庭祈祷。
- Interface-flow diagrams can be used during the Model Stage (Ambler, 1998b) to model the flow between screens. 界面流程图可以应用在从创建模型到页面的跳转流程模型阶段。
- Ambler's dinosaur troubles began because we humans, with our attendant minds, think we are more like Ambler than ants. 我们人类认为自己更接近于机器人“漫步者”而非小小的蚂蚁,这种与生俱来的想法造就了“漫步者”体态臃肿的麻烦。
- But ironically Ambler will never make it to Mars because of its bulk, while robots built like ants may. 然而具有讽刺意味的是,由于“漫步者”的块头太大,这辈子无论如何去不了火星了;只有蚂蚁那么小的机器人才有希望。
- Edwards had come up, his skullpiece throwing back Fantoma's glow and the glare of the Ambler searchlights. 这时,爱德华兹出现了,他头部的金属在凡托玛和探照灯的照射下闪闪发光。
- Ambler was even bigger than Pauline's shuffling giant and was funded to explore distant planets. “漫步者”的个头比波林的拖脚走的巨物还要巨大,原本是投资研发用来作远地行星考察的。
- Scott Ambler explains how to use accessors, and why their use is one of the most important standards your organization can enforce. Scott Ambler解释了如何使用读写方法,以及为什么使用这些读写方法会成为您的组织可以推行的一种最重要的标准。
- Ambler was built huge and rugged in order to withstand the extreme cold and grit conditions on Mars, where it would not be so heavy. 研发人员把“漫步者”造得粗壮硕大为的是抵御火星上极端的严寒风沙环境,在火星上它不会那么重。
- But Ambler said that Donovan's case could have been in court for so long that St.John might have died before a decision was made. 但安伯勒又说,唐纳凡的案子可能会在法院缠讼多时,等到判决出炉,圣约翰也许早已不在人世。
- St.John's attorney, Scott Ambler, said his client was reluctant to agree to give up some of the money because he believed he deserved the entire prize. 圣约翰的律师史考特?安伯勒表示,他的当事人本来不愿同意支付这笔钱,因为他认为那整笔彩金是他应得的。
- The 19-foot-tall iron Ambler weighed 2 tons, not counting its brain which was so heavy it sat on the ground off to the side. 这位19英尺高的铁打的“漫步者”先生重达2吨,这还没算它那搁在地上的沉甸甸的大脑。
- A thousand-line software program in the central computer manages Ambler's laser vision, sensors, pneumatic legs, gears, and motors. 中央电脑中用来管理“漫步者”的激光视觉成型仪、传感器、气压足肢、齿轮箱和电机马达的程序长达数千行。