- A good deal of housework can be mechanized. 大量家务活可用机械化操作。
- It may be mechanically transmitted by arthropods. 它可以通过节肢动物机械地传播。
- Chimes shall be mechanically seamed or welded. 桶的凸边必须用机械方法接合,或焊接。
- Be mechanically, pained? Be to extricate self? 生,是痛苦?是解脱?
- The step by which a new axiom is added cannot itself be mechanized. 一个新公理得以产生,但产生公理的这个步骤自身却非机械的。
- The machines rattled, the work was mechanical. 机器咯噔咯噔地响着,工作性质是很机械的。
- He's always been mechanically minded. 他思想一向很机械化。
- The seeds were being mechanically thrashed. 种子正在进行机械性去壳。
- The existent problems are mechanism of enzymatic action and quality control of enzyme treating. 目前,对酶的作用机理问题仍存在分歧,同时对酶处理的质量控制也有较大的盲目性。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- I think so; in fact, I am quite sure. 我想如此,事实上我非常确信。
- Discussed herein are mechanism, available ranges and applications of downhole low frequency electric pulse vibrotechnique in Henan Oilfield. 讨论了运用物理方法之一的井下低频电脉冲振动波技术影响油层的作用机理、适用范围以及在河南油田的应用情况。
- Even cars that were mechanically sound started rusting. 甚至机械性能方面并无问题的车子也开始生锈。
- The apartments are mechanically ventilated with a double shift VMC. 公寓与机械通气的双重转变病毒性心肌炎。
- Nullifiers are mechanical units, but have light armor. 废弃者是机械单位,但装备着轻甲。
- All snails were dead in the absence of the host in five months.The larval preference on Porites and the adult recognition of coral tissues are mechanism of host specificity. 幼生会选择微孔珊瑚以及成螺有辨识微孔珊瑚的能力是造成紫口珊瑚螺分布专一性的机制,此外成螺辨识微孔珊瑚的能力是受到珊瑚组织的影响。
- I am starting to bald noticeably. 我头顶明显地开始变秃了。
- University degree, Major should be mechanical, electronic or industrial engineering related. 大学学历,机械、电子或工程专业。
- We are mechanizing rapidly. 我们正在迅速机械化。