- Control of Al - Bearing Rock Series 含铝岩系控制
- Geochemical study of the Early and Middle Ordovician black graptolit bearing rock series in the southern Anhui-northern jiangxi area 皖南赣北地区早、中奥陶世含笔石黑色岩系地层地球化学的研究
- boron bearing rock series 含硼岩系
- The 20 steel samples coated with aluminum bearing paste were heated within electromagnetic induction coil to implement the aluminizing process. 将表面涂有渗剂的20钢试样,利用感应加热的方法进行渗铝。
- They also do not belong to the south meta-volcanic rock series of Northern Qilian Caledonides tectonic belts. 也不属于北祁连加里东构造带南带变质火山岩系的一部分。
- The emergence stratum mainly is Palaeozoic sediment rock series, drape, rift grow,magma activity is delicacy. 出露地层主要为一套古生代沉积(浅变质)岩系,褶皱、断裂构造发育,岩浆活动微弱。
- In South China,the Early Cambrian black rock series is rich in metallic and nonmetallic mineral ersources. 我国南部早寒武世黑色岩系中,蕴藏丰富的金属和非金属矿产。
- The pre-Devonian "Gomori Group" shallow metamorphic rock series are mostly redelineated as the Permian strata. 解体了测区南部前泥盆系“戈木日群”浅变质岩系,大部分厘定为二叠系;
- Aluminum Bearing Cold Heading Steel 含铝冷镦钢
- Abundant copper material was derived from volcanic rock series (olivine tholeiite) in the rift. 丰富的铜质来自巨厚的裂谷火山岩系(橄榄拉斑玄武岩)。
- Wangjiawaizi gold deposit occurrs in Lower Proterozoic opimetamorphic rock series. 王家崴子金矿床赋存于辽南古元古代浅变质岩系中。
- Volcanic rock series include mainly the shoshonite series and subordinately the high-K calc-alkalic series. 火山岩系列主要为橄榄玄粗岩系,其次为高钾钙碱性岩系;
- Geological setting, features of the ore bearing rock assemblages, depth, ore structure and texture and mineralogy of Dongping supergene-enriched Mn doposit are discribed in the paper. 本文主要论述广西东平表生富集型氧化锰矿床成矿地质环境、含锰岩系地质特征,锰矿层结构,矿石矿物成分及结构构造,矿石化学组分等特征;
- The metallogenic substance mainly comes from the Archeozoic metamorphic rock series in basement. 成矿物质主要来源于基底太古界变质岩系。
- The Precambrian crystalline rock series in the Yadong area is previously called "the Nyalam Group". 摘要藏南亚东地区前寒武纪结晶岩系以往统称为“聂拉木群”。
- Prospects for development of potassium bearing rocks lie in strengthening studies and experiments, compositively prospecting and all around appraising. 含钾岩石开发的前景在于:加强试验研究、综合找矿、综合评价。
- They are controlled by shear fracture belt of epimetamorphic rock series of Precambrian Period. 主要赋存于前寒武纪浅变质岩系中,受剪切断裂带控制。
- The meta-intrusives of Wutai stage are Shawobulak gneissic rock suite basically in order, including TTG and adamellite rock series. 为一套基本有序的变侵入岩系列,包括TTG和二长花岗岩两个岩系。
- Aluminum is a kind of light silvery metal. 铝是一种轻薄并呈银色的金属。
- The meta- intrusives of Wutai stage are Shawobulak gneissic rock suite basically in order,including TTG and adamellite rock series. 为一套基本有序的变侵入岩系列 ,包括 TTG和二长花岗岩两个岩系。