- The aluminum matrix composites with TiB2 reinforcement are manufactured by squeeze-cast method. 采用挤压铸造方法制备了TiB2增强铝基复合材料。
- The wear of aluminum matrix composites,which is the common result of spall,adhesion and particle wear,is analysed in the end of the paper. 最后分析了铝基复合材料表面的磨损情况,说明了它的磨损是剥落、粘着和磨粒磨损共同作用的结果。
- It is indicated that a gradual fiber distribution with no delam ination and excellent heatproof can be obtained by the squeeze casting for the g radient aluminum matrix composites. 且采用该材料制造的活塞顶具有良好的隔热效果。
- La P Q, Xu G J, Ding G T.Study of thermal expansion property for high volume fraction particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites [J].Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 1998, 15(2): 6-11. [6]喇培清;许广济;丁广田.;高体积分数粒子型铝基复合材料热膨胀性能的研究[J]
- fiber-reinforced aluminum matrix composites 纤维增强铝基复合材料
- particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites 颗粒增强铝基复合材料
- particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites 颗粒增强铝基复合材料
- In-situ aluminum matrix composites 铝基原位复合材料
- SiC particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料
- Aluminum matrix composites with single carbon fiber 单一碳纤维增强ZL109复合材料
- Abstract: The squeeze casting technology was used to manufacture gradient aluminum matrix composite reinforced by ceramic fibers,and metallographic structures and therma l properties of the composites were studied. 文摘:采用挤压铸造法制造陶瓷纤维增强梯度铝基复合材料,通过观察其金相组织、测试其热学性能,并对梯度复合材料活塞顶的温度分布及隔热效果进行了计算。
- By injecting KBF4+Ti powder into molten Al and rapidly stirring,it has been shown that TiB_2 particulates reunion on grain boundary disappear and TiB_2 particulates(less than 0.5um) uniformly distribute in the aluminum matrix composite. 结果表明:通过氩气流载入反应混合粉;并快速搅拌熔体;可克服TiB2颗粒在晶界的团聚;细化颗粒;获得颗粒小于0.;5um、且较均匀分布的TiB2/Al复合材料。
- Aluminum matrix composite was in capacity of structure materials and function materials for its high specific strength and high specific modulus and low coefficient of thermal expansion. 铝基复合材料具有很高的比强度、比模量和较低的热膨胀系数,兼具结构材料和功能材料的特点。
- The tribological behavior of the network ceramic reinforced aluminum matrix composite was studied in dry sliding conditions of wear, and a wear model was established based on the experimental results. 摘要研究了网络陶瓷增强铝基复合材料在干滑动摩擦条件下的磨损行为,并在试验的基础上建立了复合材料的磨损模型。
- Abstract Aluminum matrix composite reinforced with continuous boron fibers (MMC) which was produced by an atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) process and vacuum hot pressing (VHP) was investigated. 摘要 采用大气等离子喷涂法制备连续硼纤维增强铝基复合材料预制片,结合真空热压扩散焊制备了B/Al复合材料。
- Aluminum Matrix Composites in Inertial Guidance Instruments 铝基复合材料在惯性导航仪表中的应用分析
- Keywords aluminum matrix composites;mechanical alloying;subgrain; 铝基复合材料;机械合金化;亚晶粒;
- SiC particulate-reinforced aluminum matrix composites SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料
- SiC_p/2014 Al aluminum matrix composite SiCp/2014Al铝基复合材料