- aluminium plate evaporator 铝平板蒸发器
- This unit includes scroll compressor and bronzed plate evaporator. 制冷机组使用先进的涡旋式压缩机和板式蒸发器。
- The results indicated that the dimpled vertical plate evaporator was more appropriate for liquid food than the tubular falling film evaporator. 结果表明,与管式蒸发器相比,异形竖板降膜蒸发器更适宜于液体食品的蒸发。
- Anodized aluminium plate Aluminium plate for offset printing with a specially prepared surface.SeeAnodizing. 阳极氧化铝版版面经过特别处理的柯式印刷用铝版。参阅阳极投送化法。
- Anodized aluminium plate: Aluminium plate for offset printing with a specially prepared surface. 阳极氧化铝版:版面经过特别处理的柯式印刷用铝版。
- Anodized aluminium plate : Aluminium plate for offset printing with a specially prepared surface. 阳极氧化铝版:版面经过特别处理的柯式印刷用铝版。
- Aluminium plate :A thin sheet of aluminium used in lithography as a base for plate coating after surface treatment. 铝版:一块薄铝片,经过表面处理后作为平版印刷用的版基,以承载版面涂层。
- This is similar to another aluminium plate system shown below which is nearing completion at USL and is destined for a customer in China. 该系统与另一个铝板系统相似;该系统显示在下面;且已在USL接近完成;最终客户在中国.
- The effect of process parameters on the electric insulance of micro arc oxidated ceramic coat on aluminium plate is studied. 研究了工艺参数对铝微弧氧化陶瓷层电绝缘性能的影响规律。
- This article discussed anodic oxidation mechanism of aluminium plate by means of electrode potential,Nernst equation,overpotential and so on. 用电极电势、能斯特方程式和超电势等,论述了铝板的阳极氧化机理。
- Alcoa Bohai's current business is aluminium cold rolling, with key products ranging from aluminium plate and foil, finstock, pharmaceutical wrap to household foil. 美铝渤海铝业有限公司目前拥有冷轧轧制业务,主要生产铝板带箔,空调箔、药用箔和家用箔等产品。
- In order to make the full understanding the property of PUE, the test make the PUE bonding the aluminium plate, after that test the fracture behavior of the composite board. 为了充分了解聚氨酯弹性体的特性,将其和铝板进行复合研究其破裂行为,聚氨酯弹性体的裂纹走向受铝板的裂纹的牵引,沿着铝的裂纹方向破裂。
- The dynamic stress inside green sand during experimental compaction by air impact moulding can be achieved using a method of placing aluminium plate at the top of green sand. 采用气冲造型机并在型砂顶部覆盖铝板的方法,获得了气力冲击造型试验紧实过程中型砂内部的动态应力。
- The crack of aluminium plate draughts the crack orientation of PUE, under the external force, at the beginning the pure PUE crack along the open slot, but then the crack is irregular at last. 纯聚氨酯弹性体在压力的作用下,刚开始沿着开口槽开裂,但之后裂纹走向不规则。
- Methods:We have made an animal model by anaethetizing a mouse after defuring and putting on an aluminium plate in a electrothermal thermosta ctic water tank for low temperature baking. 方法:通过麻醉大鼠背部去毛后置于电热恒温水箱内平置铝板上“低温烘烤”的方法,制造动物模型。
- In this way the aluminium plate and polymethyl methacrylate plate are taken as specimens to be tested, and the results show that the boundary curves to classify different materials are reliable. 基于此原理将铝板和有机玻璃板作为基材,实验确定了物质分类识别边界曲线,并用已知物质验证了实验得到的边界曲线是有效的。
- Plate evaporative condensers were developed on the base of evaporative condenser and plate heat exchanger, and had the benefits of both of them. 摘要板式蒸发式冷凝器是在蒸发式冷凝器和板式换热器的基础上发展起来的,兼有两者的优势。
- This paper presents theoretically the differential equation group of heat and mass transfer process in the plate evaporative air coolers. 摘要根据热力学和传热学理论,建立了板式间接蒸发式空冷器传递过程的微分方程组。
- The roof and side facades are clad in the same material, aluminium plates, which merge the surfaces together, leaving the house smooth, without any ornamental details. 屋顶和侧立面都穿着同样的材料、铝片,融合在一起的表面光滑,离开家,没有任何装饰的细节。
- The equipment concerned is a plate evaporation device which is suitable for use in evaporation and sterilization process of gelatin to perform concentration and sterilization. 本装置是板式蒸发装置,主要适用于明胶蒸发、灭菌工艺过程,其目的是浓缩明胶液体,并进行灭菌处理。