- alternative splicing exon 选择性拼接外显子
- In this study, we have identified a novel alternative splicing isoform of the RTN gene family, RTN3-A1, which contains an additional 2.3-kb exon. 在本研究中,我们确认了RTN3基因的一个新的转录本,RTN3-A1。它包含了一个以前所发现的RTN3转录本所不具备的新的长2.;3 kb的内含子。
- In this paper we briefly review the main method of identify alternative splicing is RT-PCR,Bioinformatics,Exon microarray. 本文简要综述了检测选择性剪接的主要方法:RT-PCR,生物信息学方,以及生物芯片的进展。
- Indeed, one group of alternatively spliced exons is unique to primates (humans, apes and monkeys) and might have contributed to primates' divergence from other mammals. 事实上,灵长类(人类、猿和猴)独有一类选择性剪接表现子,可能是使灵长类与其他哺乳动物不同的原因。
- In fruit flies, for example, alternative splicing regulates the sex-determination pathway. 举例来说,果蝇性别的发育,就经由选择性剪接调节。
- Alternative splicing determines how the DNA is chopped into pieces and then reassembled. 选择剪切是遗传复制过程中的一个重要组成部分。
- The alternative splicing is regulated by the interaction between diverse cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors. 选择性剪接过程受多种顺式作用元件和反式作用因子相互作用调节。
- Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) composed of 37 amino acids by alternative splicing of messenger RNA transcript of calcitoini gene. 降钙素基因相关肽(Calcitonin gene-related peptide,CGRP)是由降钙素基因编码的mRNA选择性拼接后转录而成的37个氨基酸组成的单链多肽,是全身最主要的扩张血管的神经活性多肽。
- With the fast development of bioinformatics,all kind of relevant database are keeping appearing,one of which is The Alternative Splicing Database(ASD). 在生物信息学的飞速发展中,与之相应的各种类型的数据库不断涌现,选择性剪接数据库(Alternative Splicing Database,ASD)便是其中之一。
- Alternative splicing of transcripts of transmembrane proteins, including N-CAM, is know to occur, resulting in different isoforms of the protein. 如改变此穿膜性蛋白基因(包括N-CAM)之转录本,会产生同功蛋白。
- Bioinformatics is a new subject for the study of alternative splicing, especially for its regulatory mechanism, prediction and origin. 因此,研究基因选择性剪接是一项十分重要的工作。
- A heuristic algorithm for multiple alignment was developed to more effectively study alternative splicing patterns of eukaryotic genes. 为对真核基因的选择性剪接形式进行准确、快速、有效的研究,提出了一种启发式多序列比对算法。
- The alternative splicing is also a co-transcriptional process.Promoters can regulate alternative splicing and produce different mRNA isoforms. 选择性剪接也是1个伴随转录发生的过程,不同的启动子可调控产生不同的剪接产物。
- In keeping with that idea, DNA sequences at the intron-exon junctions where alternative splicing occurs are often resistant to change during evolution. 有一个观察到的现象和这个观点相符:插入子和表现子的接点,也就是选择性剪接发生之处,在演化过程中通常鲜少改变。
- The researchers discovered this transition in cancer cells when they observed an error in "alternative splicing," a key element of the genetic copying program inside cells. 科学家们通过在观察选择剪切时发现的一个错误,在癌细胞中发现了这种转变。
- In recent years,more and more researches showed that alternative splicing was highly relevant to cancer,and many cancer genes were regulated by alternative splicing. 近年来,越来越多的研究表明可变剪接与癌症有着密切的关系,许多癌症相关基因受可变剪接调控。
- Alternative splicing of pre-mRNA is an important mechanism for regulating gene function at the post-transcription level and for producing proteomic diversity in higher eukaryotes. 选择性剪接是高等真核细胞在转录后水平调控基因表达以及产生蛋白质组多样性的重要机制。
- Alternative splicing is generally believed to occur more than 50% of actively transcribed human genes and thus is highly relevant to disease and therapy. 人类的基因中,超过50%25的转录产物进行选择性剪接,而这机制和疾病发生、治疗方法有高度的相关性。
- Alternative splicing can divide splice sites into alternative donor sites,constitutive donor sites,alternative acceptor sites and constitutive acceptor sites. 选择性剪切的出现把剪切位点分为选择性供体位点、组成性供体位点、选择性受体位点和组成性受体位点。
- The pattern of gene expression that makes this transformation possible relies heavily on two phenomena: modification of chromatin and alternative splicing. 造成这种转变的基因表现模式,可能大量仰赖了两种作用:染色质修饰和选择性剪接。