- The biofuels or batteries that will power cars in the alternative future should beat petrol at today's prices. 拥有选择余地的将来,生物燃料或者电池驱动汽车的价格会比石油更有竞争力。
- Planning is the most basic of all managerial function since it involves selecting from among alternative future courses of action. 由于规划涉及从未来一系列可供选择的行动中作出选择,它是最基本的管理功能。
- To gain the freedom to make alternative futures for society with clarity and deliberation, we must be able to imagine them and to talk about them. 若想经过深思之后以清晰的方式自由地为社会前景构建出多种替代方案,我们必须能够对这些替代方案加以想像并进行探讨。
- Quantum indeterminism implies that for a particular quantum state there are many (possibly infinite) alternative futures or potential realities. 量子不确定性意味著对于某一特定量子状态而言,存在著很多(也许是无穷多)不同的未来或是可能的真实状况。
- The day you decide to wear your bathrobe, the CEO will want to do an iChat, says career counselor and executive coach Clay Parsons of Alternative Futures. “你决定穿上睡衣在家办公的那天,公司的首席执行长正好会要求跟你视频对话。”
- I had no alternative but to accept the offer. 我除了接受该项提议之外,别无选择。
- I'll have no alternative but to go with you. 我除了跟你走外别无选择。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
- Please find alternative means of transport. 请另外找一个运输方法。
- Alternative future forecasting of electronic warfare unmanned aerial vehicles 电子战无人机的未来发展趋势预测
- Do you really care nothing about your future? 你真的一点也不关心你的将来?
- There appears to be no alternative. 似乎没有别的选择。
- She seems quite clear about her future curricula. 她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。
- Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他建议?
- A hopeless future seemed to spread out before her. 展现在她面前的似乎是毫无希望的前途。
- Everything points to a bright future for us all. 种种迹象表明我们都有光明的前途。
- Disillusion voter want an alternative to the two main parties. 失望的选民需要一个党派以取代这两个大党。
- I promise I'll keep it down in the future. 我保证今后一定把音量放低。
- We have no alternative, but to do it. 我们别无选择,只能做了。