- The Alternative Dispute Solution arise in many countries currently indicate all the means except litigation, reflecf introspect and recognition to rule of law. 其中,目前在各国兴起的替代性纠纷解决运动是指一切诉讼外的纠纷解决方式,反映了对法治的反思与再认识。
- alternative dispute solution 替代性纠纷解决方式
- The emergence of alternative methods of dispute solution heralds the diversified development trend of dispute solution. 替代性纠纷解决方式的出现,预示着争端解决机制的多元化发展趋势。
- On Mediation as One of Alternative Dispute Resolutions in U.S.A. 论美国替代性争议解决方式中的调解。
- The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council, NADRAC. 旨在促进非讼纠纷解决的发展。
- Equity and efficiency are dissimilar worth criterion of dispute solution. 公平和效率是纠纷解决的不同价值标准。
- The major modes of ADR(alternative dispute resolution) in China are mediation and arbitration. 中国的替代性纠纷解决方式主要有人民调解和仲裁。
- ADR is the abbreviation of Alternative Dispute Resolution, It is the general name of various kinds of Extrajudicial System. ADR是Alternative Dispute Resolution的简称,是诉讼外各种纠纷解决方式的总称。
- Arbitration ranked third behind mediation and early case assessment as the most preferred form of alternative dispute resolution. 替代性争议解决方法中,调解和纠纷预评的受欢迎程度分列一、二名,仲裁次之。
- This publication provides a collection of practical materials for corporate counsel on commonly used Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) techniques. 本书为公司法务就常用的替代性争端解决技巧收集了大量实践资料。
- Restorative Justice(RJ,abr) is an alternative dispute resolving system on the basis of the traditional criminal justice. 恢复性司法是在对传统刑事司法检讨的基础上衍生出来的一种替代性刑事案件解决机制。
- The processes of dispute solution and legal education are social phenomena that symbiotically interacts with each other. 摘要争端解决机制与法学教育是共生互动、紧密相联的社会现象。
- The labor umpire system of Japan was put into effect on 2006.It's a kind of mechanism of alternative dispute resolution by District court. 摘要日本于2006年开始实施的劳动审判制度,是一种由地方法院组织的劳动审判委员会按照非诉讼程序对个别劳动争议进行处理的机制。
- So, to improve the rural solution mechanism and reform the basic mediating system and set up new type dispute solution are very urgent. 完善农村当事人民事纠纷解决机制,改革基层行政调解制度、行政裁决制度、完善派出所解纷功能、设置新型庭前纠纷解决模式尤为必要。
- Not-for-profit public service organization founded in 1926 that provides resources for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). 成立于1926年,一个非赢利的公共服务性组织,提供选择争议解决方式(ADR)的资源。
- The dispute solution mechanism of modem society is the all-around organic system of dispute solution which judicature is the center. 现代社会纠纷解决机制是以司法为中心的多元解纷有机体系。
- And both the corporate counsel and outside attorneys ranked mediation as the highest ranked alternative dispute resolution technique. 公司内部律师和外部律师均将调解排在替代性争议解决方法的第一位。
- At present, the civil dispute solution mechanism in our country is inefficient to make full use of its functions of dispute resolution. 摘要目前我国民事纠纷解决机制存在效率低下的弊病,难以充分发挥其解纷功能。
- ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) itself is not a new concept but how to smartly use those tools might be a new challenge to your ever booming business. 也许“非诉纠纷解决方式”对于法律从业者来说并非是一个陌生的词汇,然而,如何有效掌握其运用方法并合理、高效地使用,才是各位所面临的最大挑战。
- Fee contract should include the following: the fees, charges and standard way, the amount of charge (ratio), and payment settlement, dispute solution and so on. 收费合同应当包括下列内容:收费项目、收费方式和标准、收费数额(比例)、付款和结算方式、争议解决途径等内容。