- Based on the altered minerals,mineral association and mineral correlation of the Zijinshan copper-gold deposit,the author made an emphatical discussion on the ph... 认为形成这一类型矿床的流体是一种高氧逸度、高硫逸度的中低温酸性流体。
- Minerals or altered minerals such as sericite, biotite and K feldspar in the altered wallrocks are selected to be objects of age determination, and the Ar Ar, K Ar, Rb Sr, U Pb isochron dating methods are adopted. 选用矿石或蚀变围岩中的绢云母、黑云母、钾长石等蚀变矿物作为测年对象 ,采用 Ar- Ar、 K- Ar法或 Rb- Sr等时线法测年在目前的技术条件下是经济可行的 ,关键是要保证被测矿物确为蚀变矿物并且纯度较高。 用 U- Pb法测定矿脉中的水热锆石来确定成矿年龄 ,但如何区分继承锆石和水热锆石尚不成熟。
- Yingli gold deposit is located in the altered mineralized fracture zone of the outer contacting belt between the later Yanshanian diorite porphyry and Triassic Heshanggou group feldspar sandstone. 营里金矿床产于燕山晚期闪长玢岩与三叠系和尚沟组长石砂岩的外接触带蚀变矿化破碎带中,褐铁矿化强烈是本区寻找金矿的重要找矿标志。
- Keywords Altered mineral;gypsum;sericite;gold deposit;east Anhui province; 皖东地区;金矿;蚀变矿物;石膏;绢云母;
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- He altered one of the rooms into a bedroom. 他把一间屋子改建成了卧室。
- It possessed rich mineral deposits, including gold. 它拥有丰富的矿藏,包括黄金。
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- The country possesses rich mineral resources. 这个国家有丰富的矿产资源。
- No potassium did we find in this mineral. 在这种矿石中我们没有发现钾。
- The tailor altered the coat to make it shorter. 裁缝把大衣改短了。
- A miner's lamp is fixed onto his helmet. 矿灯固定在矿工的头盔上。
- The tailor altered the jacket to fit me. 裁缝将夹克修改得合我的身。
- He's my alter ego, we go everywhere together. 他是我的知己--彼此形影不离。
- The gold miner staked out his claim. 那位淘金者立桩标出他的地界。
- The town has altered out of all recognition since I was last here. 自从我上次离开这里以来,这小城已变得认不出来了。
- He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes. 他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。
- Those countries are rich in mineral resources. 那些国家矿物资源很丰富。
- We are digging for mineral deposits. 我们正在掘地探矿。
- She had to alter her clothes after losing weight. 她瘦了以後,衣服也得修改了。