- alteration of right in rem 物权变动
- The existence of trennungsprinzip owes to the independence of juristic act of right in rem. 物权行为的独立性决定了区分原则的必然存在。
- Their concepts,differences,theoretical foundation and determination of validity are development of the theory juristic act of right in rem. 此"任督二脉"的概念、区别、存在的理论基础及效力认定,均为物权行为理论的展开。
- Trennungspringzip is to differentiate the juristic act of right in rem from the juristic act of credit, rather than differentiate between the shifting of jus in rem and its reason. 区分原则,不是物权变动与原因行为的区分,而是引起物权变动的物权行为与原因行为即债权行为的区分。
- Subprovision should be composed of right of personality, law of relatives, law of succession, right in rem, general principle of right of obligation, and the general provisions of contract law. 分则应为人格权、亲属法、继承法、物权、债权总则、合同法的一般规定;
- The article analyzes the respective component parts, content of legal fo rce, characters and other issues of claim of right in rem based on usufructuary right and on real right for security. 另一方面 ,他物权也应有妥适之保护措施 ,方合“权利应受保护”之基本私法理念 ,而免权利歧视之虞。
- In the field of rights in rem, equity at the lower level is not contradictory with efficiency. 摘要在物权领域,浅层面的物权公平与物权效率并不矛盾。
- Principal of public summons of right in rem 物权公示原则
- On the Legal Position of the Act of Right in Rem 论物权行为的法律地位
- Social efficiency and social equity can be in harmony when private efficiency is upgraded to social efficiency through the socialization of rights in rem. 通过物权社会化,让私人性物权效率提升为社会效率,则社会效率与社会公平能和谐一致。
- The Nature of Right in Rem of Bare-Boat Charter Droit 论光船租赁权的物权性质
- On Claim of Right in Rem Based on Qualified Right in Rem 论基于他物权的物权请求权
- On the Principles of Protection of Rights in Rem 论物权保护的原则
- The Establishment of the Principle of Right in Rem in the Network Age 网络时代物权原则的确立
- Bail in misdemeanors is of right. 根据法律,轻罪可以要求保释。
- Theoretical Analysis on Construction of Juristic Act of Right in Rem 物权行为构成的理论探讨
- Section four fetch the classification of right in introduction. 第四节介绍取回权的分类。
- On the Protection of Rights in Rem in Land Expropriation 论土地征收中的物权保护
- An alteration of shape by pressure or stress. 扭曲变形由于压力或拉力导致的形状改变
- Research into Acceptance and Rejection of Theory in Juristic Act of Right in rem 物权行为理论取舍再探讨