- No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly. 不,是真的,我做事扭头就忘。
- Almost instantly, a salesperson materialized from an inner office. 一位销售人员立刻从里面的办公室里走了出来。
- Finally potassium chloride is injected, which stops the heart almost instantly. 最后注射氯化钾致人死亡,氯化钾很毒,被注射者几乎在瞬间就死了。
- The user sees the page almost instantly,and traffic over the often-limited Internet connection is reduced. 用户几乎立即就能看到该页面,在经常有限制的因特网连接线路上的流量就减少了。
- The valet re-appeared almost instantly, and, having shaved his master, assisted him to dress entirely in black. 仆人出去以后,很快赶了回来,给他的主人刮了脸,服侍他穿上庄严的黑色的衣服。
- These tablets dissolve almost instantly on the tongue and can be taken with or without water. 使用方法:每饭前和睡觉前放六颗在舌根下溶解即可.;严重是每两个小时服一次
- The user sees the page almost instantly, and traffic over the often-limited Internet connection is reduced. 用户几乎立即就能看到该页面,在经常有限制的因特网连接线路上的流量就减少了。
- The breeze had but little action on the coracle, and I was almost instantly swept against the bows of the Hispaniola. 小艇只稍稍被风推了一下,我几乎一下子对准伊斯班袅拉号的船头撞去。
- If you were conscious, that is to say totally present in the Now, all negativity would dissolve almost instantly. 如果你有意识的话,即:你完全处于“现在“,那么一切的消极几乎立刻会消解。
- The policy worked almost instantly, pushing factories to convert from making, say, lighters to eye glasses, or to shut. 这些政策几乎立竿见影,促进了工厂的转型,例如从生产打火机转向生产眼镜,要不就是关闭。
- Leia fell asleep almost instantly and Anakin carefully made his way back to the table. 莱娅几乎立即就昏昏欲睡了,阿纳金小心地走回餐桌边。
- When you pour water into a small bucket, it fills up almost instantly and spills over. 当你向一个小桶倾倒水的时候,它会很快地被灌满并溢出来。
- Hyland\'s Vitamin C tablets are very soft and will dissolve almost instantly under the tongue. 维C片十分柔软会马上在舌头上溶化。
- Hyland's Vitamin C tablets are very soft and will dissolve almost instantly under the tongue. 维C片十分柔软会马上在舌头上溶化。
- Hyland\'s C-Plus Cold Tablets are very soft and will dissolve almost instantly in the mouth. 解除儿童普通感冒引起的流鼻涕;打喷嚏症状.
- Once entered, the affiliates details are stored, so new adverts can be customized almost instantly. 一旦进入,子公司的细节都存储,所以新的广告,可自定义几乎立即。
- The child was almost instantly endowed with the power of speech, and every time he took a step there appeared on the ground before him a lotus. 这孩子几乎一降生就马上会说话,并且每走一步都足生莲花。
- In this case, the temporary database can be placed on the same logical drive, and the final copy will complete almost instantly. 在这种情况下,临时数据库可以放在相同的逻辑驱动器上,最终副本几乎瞬时完成。
- This will enable detections which are in the queue to be published via dats to be made available almost instantly to your endpoints. 这将使侦测是在队列中即将出版的经反黑组将提供几乎立即到您的终端。
- As the Mosasaur swings round for its final attack, an adult Mosasaur attacks it, killing it almost instantly and swimming off with its kill. 当这只默兹河蜥为发动最后一击环游起来的时候,另外一只成年默兹河蜥攻击了它,把它杀死,并叼着它游走了。