- The Devil's Trill Sonata: III. - Grave - Allegro assai - Cadenza - Andante - Largo 魔鬼的颤音奏鸣-装严的快板,很庄严
- Divertimento in B flat major, K. 137, Salzburg Symphony No. 2: III. Allegro assai 大调嬉游曲,K.;137,萨尔茨堡交响曲第二首:第三乐章、非常快的快板
- allegro assai. 非常快地
- allegro assai 最轻快地
- Why is this of interest to Allegro? 为什么符合Allegro的利益?
- Introduction and Allegro Appassionato Op. 序奏与快板。
- Allegretto non troppo - allegro molto vavace. 快板,但不过分-急快的快板。
- The scherzo is marked allegro molto. 谐谑曲是很快的快板。
- A cena normale mangio assai poco. 晚饭时,我一般吃得少。
- Familiar with Mentor tool or Allegro Layout system. 应徵方式请使用就业情报网投递履历。
- The adagio transitioned into an allegro. 慢板转为快板。
- The second movement begins after the allegro. 急速的乐章后,第二节开始了。
- Andante and Allegro, any edition. 行板与快板,可选任何版本。
- Any of several palms, such as the assai, with edible terminal buds. 龙鳞榈,卷心棕榈:几种棕榈之一,如阿萨依棕榈,其顶端的芽可食
- The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro. 第一乐章是传统的交响乐快板。
- K.Serocki Sonatina in Bb major, 1st movt.: Allegro, any edition. 降B大调小奏鸣曲 (第一乐章),可选任何版本。
- Allegro and2/4 time signature are mostly seen in this piano collection. 曲式方面以一段式的反复曲式为主,充满复古风情。
- Allegro's A3423 is presently only available in a 4-lead SIP (K) package. Allegro A3423目前仅采用4引脚SIP(K)封装。
- Allegro and 2/4 time signature are mostly seen in this piano collection. 曲式方面以一段式的反复曲式为主,充满复古风情。
- In quel giorno vi fu una battaglia aspra assai, nella quale Abner con la gente d’Israele fu sconfitto dalla gente di Davide. 以色列家与犹大家之战争尼珥的儿子押尼珥带着扫罗的儿子伊施波设的仆从,离开玛哈念,到基遍去。