- The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud. 该公司在一片指责欺诈之声中倒闭了。
- Investigation of fraud was their commission. 调查诈欺舞弊是他们的任务。
- Despite an extensive monitoring system that has been set up and staffed by foreigners and Iraqis, allegations of fraud are likely to worsen matters. 尽管已经建立了一个由外国人和伊拉克人组成的广泛的监管机构,而对该机构徇私舞弊的控诉很可能会使情况变的更糟。
- The plaintiff accused the defendant of fraud. 原告指控被告欺诈。
- Allegations of fraud and electoral manipulation will serve to further isolate Iran and are likely to increase its belligerence and intransigence against the outside world. 对伊朗选举中存在作弊或者操弄的指控,有可能疏离伊朗,也可能使得它对外部世界存有敌意并强化它的立场。
- The department also turned its lens on its colleagues, fully examining 92 allegations of fraud and corruption against the bank's staff, and substantiating 33. 该部门同时也把镜头对准了自己的同事,充分调查了92宗针对世行职员的诈骗和腐败指控,并证实了其中33宗。
- Neil was convicted of fraud and is serving time in Wormwood Scrubs. 尼尔被判有欺诈罪,现在温华华德·斯克监狱服刑。
- However, Lee Hoi-chang announced his independent candidacy last month, when Lee Myung-bak was threatened by allegations of fraud and stock price manipulation. 但是,上月,当李明博受到造假和操纵股票价格的言论的威胁时,李会昌宣布自己是独立的候选人。
- He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud. 他详查档案,寻找欺诈行为的证据。
- She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud. 她仔细审核公司的帐目,查找欺骗作弊的证据。
- The prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud. 原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。
- A formal denial of the opposing party's allegation of fact in a suit. 反驳在诉讼中对提出的指控事实提出正式的否认
- She has twice been convicted (of fraud). 她已有两次被判(诈骗)罪.
- He was, I thought, a bit of fraud. 我觉得他有点像江湖骗子。
- She appeared in court on three counts of fraud. 她因三项诈骗罪而出庭受审。
- The opposing by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff. 否认被告对原告的某个论断的反对
- You can accuse crime of fraud of the other side. 你可以控告对方诈骗罪。
- Crime of fraud belongs to civil code. 诈骗罪属于民法。
- allegation of fraud 声称被欺骗
- One's art of fraud is skillful [superb]. 骗术高明。