- allamanda violacea 紫蝉花
- Kuching North City Hall surrounded by stretch of Allamanda. 古晋北市市政局在黄蝉花海的点缀下高耸入云。
- A plant of the genus Allamanda having large showy funnel-shaped flowers in terminal cymes. 任何有美丽漏斗状大花的聚伞花序的黄蝉花属植物。
- Primula alpicola var. violacea,2. P.florin-dae,3. P . alpicola, 4. P. cawdoriana, 5. P . 根据光照、温度、湿度及植被类型等因素将其生境类型归纳为4类:1.;林内阴湿型;2
- This research was conducted to assess the feeding performance of Daphnis nerii (L.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) on three Apocynaceae plant species (Allamanda cathartica L. 本研究在探讨夹竹桃天蛾在三种夹竹桃科植物(软枝黄蝉、日日春、及黄花夹竹桃)上的取食表现。
- Allamanda cathartica L. 软枝黄蝉
- These results revealed that G10 infecting Allamanda cathartica might be a previously unreported species of Begomovirus, for which the name Allamanda leaf curl virus (AlLCV) is proposed. 因此,G10应该是双生病毒科菜豆金色花叶病毒属中一个先前未报道的新种,命名为黄蝉曲叶病毒(Allamanda leaf curl virus,AlLCV)。
- A total of 28 macrobethos species were found, consisting of Mollusca, Annelida, Crustacea, and Insect larva, with the dominant species being Stenothyra glabra, Assiminea violacea, A. latericea, Limnodriu hoffmeisteri, and Ilyrplax deschampsi. 共记录到28种大型底栖动物;主要由甲壳动物、环节动物、软体动物及昆虫幼体组成;优势种为谭氏泥蟹(Ilyrplaxdeschampsi)、光滑狭口螺(Stenothyraglabra)、堇拟沼螺(Assimineaviolacea)、绯拟沼螺(A.;latericea)和霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodriuhoffmeisteri)。
- Tissue Culture of Oxalis violacea 紫叶酢浆草的组织培养
- Observation of Ecology of Soletellina violacea Lamarck 紫蛤生态的观察
- Larvae survived and grew very well on foliage of Catharanthus roseus L.;but all larvae died when fed foliage of Allamanda cathartica L.; 化学分析也发现植物化学物质的含量在这三种植物之间相差很显著,尤其是含氮量,在三种树叶上的含量都不一样。
- any of several tropical American evergreen shrubs of the genus Allamanda,widely cultivated in warm regions for their showy yellow or purple trumpet-shaped flowers 黄蝉花一种美洲热带黄蝉花属常绿灌木,因其艳丽动人的黄色或紫色喇叭型花朵而在温暖地区得到广泛的种植
- allamanda cathartica 大花软枝黄蝉
- Cribraria violacean. 紫筛菌
- allamanda neriifolia 黄蝉
- Hypocala violacean. 红褐鹰夜蛾
- allamanda 黄蔓
- Habrosyne violacean. 银华波纹蛾
- Paris violacean. 花叶重楼
- Primula violacean. 紫穗报春