- I have been seeking it all round. 我一直在四处寻找它。
- He has an earnest desire to be an all round person. 他迫切希望成为一个全面发展的人。?
- He stood there looking all round. 他站在那儿环顾四周。
- You are the only qualified person. 你是唯一有条件(做这工作)的人。
- Our company's base is in London, but we have branches all round the world. 我们公司总部设在伦敦,但分公司遍及世界各地。
- They are beating the bushes for qualified persons in this field. 他们正在四处物色这方面的人才。
- Let us have introductions all round. 让我们一一介绍一下。
- The University has an EEO policy and welcomes applications from all qualified persons. 奥克兰大学奉行“均等就业机会”(EEO)的原则。欢迎各位符合条件的人士应聘。
- The house was shut in by schools all round. 这房子周围都是学校。
- They are looking all round for his missing pen. 他们正在到处寻找他那支不见的钢笔。
- Please quote the relevant Vacancy Number in all correspondence. The University has an EEO policy and welcomes applications from all qualified persons. 请在所有邮件上注明应聘职位的有关编号。奥克兰大学奉行“均等就业机会”(EEO)的原则。欢迎各位符合条件的人士应聘。
- She looked all round the room in a glaring manner. 她怒目的满屋扫视了一下。
- Solve the problem: Why wheels are all round? 解决车轮为什么是圆形的这一问题。
- There were soldiers positioned all round the town. 城里到处都驻守着士兵.
- Taking it all round,it's not a bad car. 总的来说,这车还不坏。
- I have been looking all round for the missing book. 我到处寻找丢失的书。
- I sat out the first round qualifying match. 我第一轮资格赛没上场。
- There are trees all round in the campus. 校园里到处有树。
- We need some qualified person to advise us in the matter of the investment of the trust funds . 在把信托基金用于投资的问题上,我们需要有一个内行给我们当参谋。
- The house was shut in by factories all round. 这房子的周围全是工厂。