- Let them all pass all their dirty remarks. 让他们全体通过他们的肮脏的评论。
- A million tomorrows shall all pass away. 即使明日何其多,也终将会逝去,
- Cf. We all passed the test except John. 除约翰之外我们都通过了测试。
- That had all passed now with his disgrace. 自从他做了见不得人的事以后,这一切也就成了过去。
- Her childhood friends had all passed on. 她儿时朋友皆已逝世。
- Her childhood friends had all passed on . 她儿时朋友皆已逝世。
- In fact, you cannot submit the page until the client-side validation checks all pass. 实际上,直到所有客户端验证检查都通过后,才能提交该页。
- With the exception of five, they all passed the TOEFL Examination. 除了五个人以外,他们都通过了托福考试。
- When the traffic has all passed,it's safe to come across. 所有车辆过去之后,过马路就安全了。
- With the exception of five,they all passed the TOEFL. 除了五个人以外,他们都通过了托福考试。
- Carpet of general and outstanding family expenses, all pass wear-resisting caustic, antistatic, anti-fouling processing. 一般优秀家用地毯,均经过耐磨损、防静电、防污的处理。
- All passes sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. 所有通行證一經售出,恕不退換。
- The results showed steamed bread, bread and cream wafers had all pass, puffed food had 68% pass rate and fried bread stick had 25% only. 检测结果表示,馒头、面包及威化食品均合格,膨化食品合格率为68%25而油条仅为25%25。
- Matcrial that product the adoption all pass by to strictly choose,the products are made total manually including lacquering. 产品采用的材料都经过严格的挑选,完全手工制作,手工油漆。
- Is that phase of Lixiena and Wu Xin all pass through happy base camp Zhang Xue You piece of Mini's bilayer sleeve clothes goods number a number? 快乐大本营张学友那期里谢娜和吴昕都穿过的一件米妮的双层袖的衣服货号是多少?
- Advocate lying elegance and those who carry layer children room on the head is Anacreontic and same those who pass structuralization is multidimensional the language will appear. 主卧的典雅和顶层儿童房的明朗同样通过结构化的多维语言来呈现。
- Her childhood friends had all passed on before the end of last year. 到去年年底前,她童年时代的朋友全都死了。
- Passing structures to native code requires that a managed structure that is equivalent in terms of data layout to the native structure is created. 向本机代码传递结构时要求创建一个数据布局与本机结构等效的托管结构。
- Page validation determines whether the input controls associated with a validation control on the page all pass the validation rules specified by the validation control. 页验证确定页上与验证控件关联的输入控件是否均通过该验证控件所指定的验证规则。
- Optimum Pass Structure and Machining Mode of Wire Drawing Die 拉丝模的最佳孔型结构及加工方式