- All wood is not hard ; some wood is soft. 木头不一定都硬;有些木头是软的。
- All wood packaging materials must be crating. 所有木包装材料必须无树皮。
- Massive housing construction abroad all wood and wood structure connecting pieces are modern standardized production. 在国外大规模建造木结构房屋的所有木材及连接件都是现代化标准化生产。
- Solid Wood Construction Kennel, environmental and comfortable. 实木结构宠物屋,环保舒适。
- New craftsman style home.Quality construction and materials, including italian granite counters, all wood cabinets and stainless appliances in kitchen with travertine floors. 全新设计房屋有合格的建筑和物料,包括意大利花岗石,木柜,不锈的厨房设备和石灰地。
- Some alternatives are hardwood veneers--thin slices of wood bonded to composite boards or plywood.This type of construction is sometimes described as "all wood. 但相对的,有一些家具使用的是薄木片压合夹板,因夹板本身是木质组成,而称为"木制"。
- all wood construction 全木的建筑物
- Toe boards are to be of wood construction, aluminum, or steel preformed to match the scaffold. 隔板必须是与脚手架匹配的预制木材、铝材或钢材结构。
- All Wood Elves are archers of unparalleled skill, but other martial disciplines can also be found amongst their warriors. 所有森林精灵都是技术精湛的弓箭手,但其它的军事素养也能在他们的战斗中体现。
- The county government subsidized traditional wood construction, though most villagers would rather have used brick. 当地政府补贴了这种传统的木楼,但是大多数村民情愿建砖房。
- The agreement requires that all wood packaging materials must display the IPPC stamp. 协议需要所有的木材包装材料一定显示 IPPC 邮票。
- Burn all wood and coals to ash, put out campfires completely, then scatter cool ashes. 烧所有木头和煤炭变成灰烬,完全地投入营火,然后消散凉快的灰。
- With the rapid development of modern light framing wood construction in China,more and more Canadian lumbers are imported into domestic market. 随着现代轻型木结构建筑在国内的迅速发展,我国已开始从加拿大进口用于木结构的锯材。
- Burn all wood to white ash, grind small coals to ash between your gloved hands, thoroughly soak with water, and scatter the remains over a large area away from camp. 将所用的木材燃烧成灰后带上手套将小的炭木碾成粉末,用水完全浸湿,把这些剩余物抛散在离营地远处的周围,不要丢弃在河里以免堵塞河道。
- One of the key objectives of CWG is to work with the Chinese Government and trade professionals to further develop China’s wood construction industry. 加拿大木业协会的一大宗旨为在木结构建筑技术的基础上,在中国发展低层住宅建筑行业。
- Material: All wood import from overseas. Main wood material from Burma like teak and Indonesia like Kwila. Teak and Kwila are rare plant in the world. 我们的产品材料:木材全部进口,主要是用缅甸柚木、印尼菠萝格等珍贵木材。
- With the rapid development of modem light framing wood construction in China, more and more Canadian lumbers are imported into domestic market. 随着现代轻型木结构建筑在国内的迅速发展,我国已开始从加拿大进口用于木结构的锯材。
- We recommended for all wood packing or wood pallet loading exhibits should arrange Heat Treatment/Fumigation Handling at country of origin. 我司推荐所有用于展品包装的木箱,木托拍及固定用方木都在出境地国家进行加热或者熏蒸处理。
- Condition of fundamental facility that the capital can provide: Smooth land with cement surface and some one-storied houses with brick- wood construction. 独资、合资、租赁项目引资地可提供的基础设施情况:土地,通水通电,地面平整大部分为水泥地面,建有部分砖木结构平房。
- In contrast, the Wardancers of Loec are the most agile of all Wood Elves, whose grace and sublime skills are used to lethal effect in battle. 与他们不同,战争舞女是森林精灵中最敏捷的,她们优雅而又奇异的技能在过去的战争中常常产生致命的杀伤力。