- There is no such man in our neighborhood. 在我们的邻近没有这样的人。
- All such problems should be placed on our agenda. 所有这类问题都应提到我们的议事日程上来。
- All such books were bought for reference. 所有这些书都是为参考而买的。
- Such men as heard him praised him. 谁听到他的话都称赞他。
- Such men can become leaders in enterprise. 这种人可能成为企业界的领袖。
- We must do away with all such shortcomings. 所有这些缺点必须加以克服。
- Such men are never "regular fellows". 这样的人绝不是“平庸之辈”。
- All such familiarities should be avoided. 这种失礼的举动都该避免。
- Don't think such men as your neighbours you equal. 你别以为隔壁的那类人能和你平起平坐。
- You are skillful in all such matters. 在这方面你是行家。
- Such men are the backbone of the country. 这种人才是国家的中坚分子。
- I would not bear heavily on such man. 对这样的人我是不会怀恨的。
- In all such instances,let conscience be your guide. 在这些事情中,让良知为你指引道路
- It's a pleasure to work alongside such men. 与这样的人一起工作是一件乐事。
- Previous event logs list all such objects. 前面的事件日志列出了所有此类对象。
- Such men do not count for anything. 这种人没有什么用处。
- Many affairs of the world are all such. 世间的许多事情都如此。
- Iago. Fie, there is no such man; it is impossible. 伊阿古呸!哪里有这样的人?一定不会的。
- We must do away with all such barbarians in Spain. 我们必须把这种野蛮行径从西班牙统统铲除掉!
- Such men don’t daunt for anything. 这样的人毫不足取。