- all English teaching 全英文教学
- The first of all english games is make money. 在所有一切英国游戏之中,赚钱居其首。
- Promoting to develop all is the important topic of English teaching. 促进全面发展,这是当前英语教学的重要话题。
- Not all English people like fish and chips. 不是所有的英国人都喜欢炸鱼和土豆条。
- All English people don't like fish and chips. 不是所有的英国人都喜欢吃炸鱼和炸土豆片儿。
- Advanced Model of English Teaching. 先进的外语教学模式。
- The theory can be applied to English teaching. 这个理论可应用于英语教学。
- Eg. My wife likes all English customs. 我妻子喜欢所有英国习俗。
- What's Wrong with our College English Teaching? 我们的大学英语教学怎么了?
- Listening is moat important in English Teaching. 摘要听力教学在英语教学中占重要的地位。
- Great school English teaching is a major feature. 英语教学是长城学校的一大特色。
- Not all English words which end in -ful are adjectives. 以-ful结尾的英语单词并非都是形容词。
- Greek and Latin are all English to me, said Oscar wilde. 西腊语和拉丁语对于我来说很容易。
- They declared a complete boycott on all English goods. 他们宣布对英国所有物品的完全抵制。
- Wrote scripts for Yo-Yo ABC-Kang Chiao English teaching program. 康轩英语教学节目剧本编写。
- "Greek and Latin are all English to me,"said Oscar Wilde. 希腊语和拉丁文对我来说像母语英语一样。他说。
- He didn't want to use the new approach to English teaching. 他不愿意采用新方法教授英语。
- Communicative approach and China's English teaching II. 交际法和中国英语教学2。
- Approaches to Solve Main Problems in Multi-media English Teaching. 解决多媒体英语教学主要问题的解决途径和方法。
- Television has arranged an English teaching course lately. 电视台最近开设了英语讲座。