- Yes, they all stop at this corner. 停,它们都停在这个拐角处。
- Yes,they all stop at this corner. 停,它们都停在这个拐角处。
- It's impossible to satisfy everyone, so I suggest we all stop trying. 你不可能让所有人都对你感到满意,我们应该停止去尝试那样。
- The cars all stopped to let the children by. 汽车都停了下来让孩子们过去。
- The doctors and nurser are all stop what they doing and wait for my answe. 医生和护士都停下手中的活儿等我回答。
- The cars all stopped to let the fire engine by. 汽车都停下来让消防车通过。
- The cars all stopped to let the fire-engine by. 车辆都停下来,让消防车通过。
- The other guests all stopped dancing. 所有的客人都停止了跳舞。
- Not all Stop 0x0000008E errors are caused by the problem that is described in this article. 并非所有Stop 0 x 0000008 E错误是由本文中描述问题引起。
- You pray to save one, while thousands die. And if all stop dying, there will be no space on earth. 你祈求一个得救,而死者逾千。假如所有人皆免一死,地球将无处容身。
- She was such a beautiful girl that we all stopped to stare at her. 她是个如此之美的姑娘,以致我们都驻足凝视她。
- He pulled out all stops in a speech in Flint, Michigan, on October 17. 10月17日,他在密执安州弗林特的一次演讲中施展浑身解数。
- He came running all the way from the bus stop. 他从汽车站一路跑着过来。
- Like in China, there are expresses and locals in these countries. Express trains usually travel fast and local trains usually stop at all stops. 与中国一样,这些国家的火车有快车和慢车之分。快车速度通常很快,而慢车通常会在所有的站都停。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我们都有些小缺点。
- I ran all the way and caught the bus, but it was a near thing. 我一路跑着赶上了汽车,真差点没赶上。
- Stand before the French window of luxurious flatlet, the night that urban rainbow twinkles all stops eye ground. 站在豪华套房的落地窗前,城市霓虹闪烁的夜晚尽收眼底。