- The agreement is binding on all parties. 该协议对各方当事人都有拘束力。
- All parties sign it must do what is agreed. 所有签订方都必须做被一致同意的事。
- All parties work from the same body of information. 各方进行工作时所依据的是同样的一批情报。
- All parties signed the peace treaty. 所有的党都签署了这个和平协定。
- This agreement is binding on [upon] all parties. 此契约为全部当事人所应履行的。
- It is hard to please all parties. 取悦各方,谈何容易。
- For all parties, it would be the sooner the better. 对各方来说,都是越快越好。
- This treaty is binding upon all parties. 本条约对各方均有约束力。
- All parties closed ranks to win the war. 所有党派停止争论。团结起来赢得了战争。
- Inform all parties of ETD and report. 向各有关方通知预离时间并报告。
- All parties in the channel are advised by telex. 汇款全过程均以电传形式通知。
- Politicians from all parties were completely unanimous in condemning his action. 所有党派的政治家们都一致谴责他的行为。
- She could always reflect that all parties concerned had married according to their stations, a prerequisite for their true happiness. 爱玛总可以这样回首往事,她周围的人全都门当户对地婚配成亲,这才是他们真正幸福的必要条件。
- Is this solution acceptable to all parties concerned? 这个解决办法有关各方是否都能接受?
- All parties are promising to increase spending on health. 各政党都在许诺增加医疗开支。
- All parties joined in bitter denunciation of the terrorists. 所有党派同仇敌忾地痛斥恐怖主义者。
- He reasserted that all parties should be involved in the talks. 他再次声明各方均应参加会谈。
- Members of all parties endorsed a ban on land mines. 各党派成员都赞同禁用地雷。
- The suggested closures came under assault from all parties. 关闭机构的建议受到各方严厉批评。
- We want a political solution that is acceptable to all parties. 我们需要一个各方都可接受的政治解决方案。