The humor of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry. 其中的幽默不是一下子能领会的。
The boss sacked half of his employees at a sweep. 老板一下子裁去了半数雇员。
Then his head sank all the way down without his consent, and his last breath flowed faintly out of his nostrils. 接着他的头无力地颓然垂下,他的鼻孔里也呼出了最后一丝摇曳不定的气息。
When hit by a snowball, the snowmen and igloos disappear in a puff of powder, the penguins flip upside down with a quack, and the robots collapse into a heap of metal. 若被雪球击中,雪人与小屋会噗噗然消失于粉末之中,企鹅会嘎嘎然栽个大跟斗,而机器人则颓颓然变成一堆废铁。