You control this via the align attribute.
If the align attribute is set to left the image floats to the left margin.
Gets a value indicating whether the scrollbar of an HTML
element with an align attribute value of right is obscured upon rendering. [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。 Indicates whether the alignment attribute can be sent to the output stream. 指示对属性是否可发送到输出流。 Could you align this table with those? 你能把这张桌子同那些桌子排成一行吗? Our company should align ourselves with theirs. 我们的公司必须与他们的公司合作。 The sword is an attribute of a fighter. 剑是斗士的象征。 More than half of the members aligned with the chairman. 半数以上的成员支持主席的观点。 The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power. 节杖是国王权力的象徵。 Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman. 彬彬有礼是绅士的本色。 Politeness is the attribute of a gentleman. 温文有礼是绅士的特质。 Table layout alignment attributes take precedence over more general alignment attributes. 表布局对属性优先于更普通的对属性。 The act of linking a value to a particular attribute. 将一个值与一特定属性相连接的动作。 So as to be even, in one plane, or aligned with a margin. 齐平地使其均匀、在一个平面上或留边排版 The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists. 共产党与社会党结成了联盟。 aligned attribute 列式表征,列线属性,列式属性 They aligned themselves with the army. 他们与军队密切合作。 Do you think it proper to attribute weakness to women? 你觉得把软弱当作女性的属性适当吗? They attribute their success to their teacher's encouragement. 他们把成功归因于老师的鼓励。 He aligned himself with the Democrats. 他与民主党结盟。 今日热词 相关词典网站: 牛津高阶第八版 美国韦氏词典 Dictionary.com Free Dictionary 维基百科 (自由的百科全书) 目录 附录 音标说明 查词历史 #header .links .top-download a{width:140px;height:40px;line-height:normal;background:url(http://i1.haidii.com/v/1493890436/i1/images/top-download-icon2.png) 0 0 no-repeat} #header .links .top-download a:hover{background:url(http://i1.haidii.com/v/1493890436/i1/images/top-download-icon2.png) 0 -40px no-repeat} 海词 权威词典 翻译 英 汉 | 汉语 | 上海话 广东话 缩略语 人名
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