- According to the algal growth potential tests (AGP tests) for the effluent, the necessity of advanced treatment of wastewater was discussed. 结合藻类增殖潜能试验(AGP试验)探讨了进行污水深度处理的必要性。
- Reservoir water in South China is used to simulate original algae growth condition.The relationship between initial nitrogen and phosphors concentration and algae growth potential is studied. 利用南方某水库原水模拟藻类的原始生长条件,通过探讨水体中初始氮磷浓度与藻类生长潜力之间的相互关系,建立了以初始总氮和总磷浓度为因子的藻类生长潜力回归模型;
- The Annual Fluctuation of Chlorophyll-a and the Algal Growth Potential Test in West Lake, Hangzhou 西湖叶绿素a周年动态变化及藻类增长潜力试验
- Algal growth potential test 藻类增长潜力实验
- Chlorine may be added to eliminate algal growth. 也可以加入氯以排除藻类的生长。
- That investment has little growth potential. 那项投资几乎没有增值的可能。
- Does the business have growth potential? 业务有没有发展潜能?
- Mr.Trapani once waxed ecstatic about the growth potential of China. 崔帕尼谈到中国的成长潜力时一度欣喜若狂。
- When this nitrogen reaches the sea it causes a brief frenzy of algal growth which depletes the water of oxygen. 当这些氮到达了海洋时,就会引起海洋藻类生物在短时间内疯狂生长,就会耗进水里的氧气。
- The algal growth curve pattern gives us control times and concentration scopes to take early actions. 藻类增长的过程给了我们早期预防和控制的实施时间和浓度范围。
- On other hand, as the salinity was low in Jordan river, increasing appropriately the Cu 2+concentration enhanced algal growth rate in river water. 在另一方面 ,对含盐量较低的约旦河水来说 ,适当增加Cu2 + 浓度则有利于藻类的生长。
- He points to India as having the strongest adspend growth potential. 他指出,印度拥有最强的广告消费的潜能。
- Nyholm, N. 1985.Response variable in algal growth inhibition tests biomass or growth rate.Water Research.Vol. 19, pp. 273-279. 陈永明,1998,"藻类在不同培养方式下之混合毒性研究"国立交通大学环境工程研究所硕士论文。
- Stock percentage growth potential peaks at the very beginning of a new uptrend. 双底形态预示着未来的强大动力:当一系列的低点出现后,下降趋势有所加速。
- Which vertical segment will have the highest growth potential in near future? 其中垂直部分将拥有最高的增长潜力在不久的将来?
- Use low-phosphate washing liquid and washing powder. Phosphates stimulate algal growth when discharged into the water supply, lowering oxygen levels and killing plants and fish. 使用磷酸盐含量低的洗涤液和洗衣粉。磷酸盐排放到水源中,会刺激藻类生长,降低氧含量,杀死植物和鱼类。
- We expect there is going to be a sizeable growth potential for this product. 我们预计,这种产品将有着巨大的增长潜力。”
- algae growth potential 藻类生长潜力
- Poor infrastructure threatens export performance and in turn prevent full realisation of our growth potential. 基础设施不足,会影响出口表现,使我们的增长潜力,无法充分发挥。
- Many businesses with growth potential fail to raise enough funds because they lack investment readiness. 很多具有发展潜力的企业由于投资准备没有做到位,就未能筹集到足够的资金。