- mixture of Indian alfalfa and red clover 印度苜蓿和红三叶草的混合料
- alfalfa and red clover 印度苜蓿和红三叶草的混合料
- Phytoestrogens, such as soy isoflavones and red clover products and/or cimicifuga racemosa(CR), are newly found selective estrogen receptor modulators(phyto-SERMS). 天然的植物雌激素做为一种甾体激素以外的性激素替代物引起了人们的广泛关注。
- Red Clover (trifolium pretense) helps restore and balance hormonal function. 红三叶草:恢复和平衡内分泌功能和子宫孕育。
- The chicken was garnished with coriander and red chilli. 这道鸡配上了芫荽和红辣椒。
- Alfalfa and timothy hay are the main forages exported from Canada. 紫花苜蓿和梯牧草是加拿大出口的主要牧草。
- An American variety of apple with red or yellow and red skin. 鲍德温苹果一种美国苹果,果皮呈红色或红黄色
- This room needs jollying up how about yellow and red wallpaper? 这间屋子需要弄得明快些--来点儿黄色和红色的壁纸怎麽样?
- The watermelon is green without and red within. 西瓜皮绿瓤红。
- Green clause and red clause are basically the same. 绿条款和红条款基本相同。
- We have this teddy bra in black and red satin. 我们有款用黑色和红色缎子做的连身胸罩。
- This dress comes in black, brown and red. 这款连衣裙有黑、棕和红三种颜色。
- Leguminosae herbage with deep roots such as alfalfa and sweet clover, leaves the deep soil plenty of root residue, which helps to improve the urease activity and soil fertilily of deep soil. 深根豆科牧草苜蓿、草木樨可留给深层土壤大量根系残留物,从而有利于提高土壤深层脲酶活性与综合供肥能力。
- Orange is a mixture of yellow and red. 橘黄色是黄和红的混合色。
- Have we got any beer and red wine? 我们还有啤酒和红酒吗?
- What is black and white and red all over? 什么东西全身黑、白、红相间?
- Cut the artichokes and red pepper and fry them. 把朝鲜蓟和辣椒切碎然后油炸。
- The plants tested were sesame, tobacco, wheat, alfalfa and cayenne pepper. 供试植物为芝麻、烟草、小麦、紫花苜蓿和辣椒五种。
- What's black and white and red all over? 黑色、白色和红色混在一起是什么?
- Contains: red clover leaf and flowers, nettle and meadowsweet leaf, calendula, chamomile and lavender flowers, gotu kola leaves and, a pinch of stevia. 红花苜蓿叶与花朵、荨麻叶、绣线菊叶、金盏花、洋甘菊、薰衣草、雷公根、甜菊叶。