- alcohol etiolates your skin. 酒精让你的皮肤变得苍白。
- Too much sunbathing will wrinkle your skin. 皮肤晒得过分就能起皱纹。
- Don't let him get under your skin! 别让他惹著你!
- Rub the cream on your skin and let it sink in. 把这种软膏搽在皮肤上,让它渗进去。
- The cream protects your skin from sunburn. 这种乳霜保护你的皮肤不致被太阳晒伤。
- "Another problem is alcohol: It dehydrates you and can make your skin sag. 饮酒过量同样造成皮肤水分流失以致于皮肤下垂。
- This lotion should help clear your skin of spots. 这种药水有助于去除你皮肤上的污斑。
- Don't touch that cold metal with bare hands, or your skin will stick to it. 不要用手直接摸那块冰冷的金属,否则会沾掉你手上的皮。
- This cream will soften up your skin. 这种面霜会使你皮肤柔软。
- Insect bites irritate your skin. 虫子叮疼了你的皮肤。
- The charm of the place soon gets under your skin. 这地方很美丽,你很快就会爱上这个地方。
- This soap should help clear your skin of spots. 这种肥皂有助于洗净你皮肤的污斑。
- Now I know why your skin is so tender. 现在我知道你的皮肤为什么这么嫩了。
- Dry weather irritates your skin. 乾燥的气候让你皮肤过敏。
- How did you managed to keep your skin creamy? 你是怎么保持皮肤的细腻的?
- Your skin starts to sag as you get older. 人一老皮肤就松弛了.
- Help your skin look less peaked. 想办法别让你的脸显得那么苍白。
- Outdoor work makes your skin color good. 在室外工作使你皮肤颜色好。
- Ensure a deep dark tan, Moisturizing your skin with Dark Tanning Oil made from mineral oil; Alcohol free. 不含酒精,含丰富矿物油,令你拥有一身古铜色肌肤同时滋润肌肤,免受伤害。
- The special cream will help to soften up your skin. 这种特制香脂有助于使皮肤柔软。