- Ajuga ciliate 筋骨草
- Some studies for Ajuga multiflora Bge. 关于多花筋骨草的一些研究.
- Ovary ovoid, furfuraceous ciliate, apex 4-lobed. 子房卵球形,软鳞片状的缘毛,先端4裂。
- Leaf apex usually acute; calyx lobe margin ciliate. 叶先端通常锐尖;萼裂片边缘具缘毛。
- Calyx ciliate; corolla yellow to greenish yellow. 花萼具缘毛;花冠黄到黄绿色。
- Style filiform;stigma funnelform, margin ciliate. 花柱丝状漏斗状的柱头,边缘具缘毛。
- Corolla tube pubescent; lower lip ciliate. 花冠筒短柔毛;下唇具缘毛。
- Calyx glabrous, ciliate on margin. 花萼无毛,在边缘上具缘毛。
- Five compounds were isolated from Ajuga lupulina var.Major. 从齿苞筋骨草 ( Ajuga lupulina var.;Major)中分离出 5个化合物。
- Seven compounds were isolated from Ajuga lupulina Maxim. 从忽布筋骨草(Ajuga lupulina Maxim.;)
- Leaf blade base broadly cuneate, margin 3-lobed, not ciliate. 叶片基部宽楔形,3浅裂的边缘,不具缘毛。
- Winter buds ovoid, glabrous or with scale margins ciliate. 冬芽卵球形,无毛的或具鳞片边缘具缘毛。
- Petals obovate, 2.5-3 mm, outside glabrous, margin ciliate. 花瓣倒卵形,2.;5-3毫米,外面无毛,边缘具缘毛。
- Palea equaling lemma, ciliate along keels, apex acuminate. 芒约2毫米内稃等于外稃,沿着龙骨,先端渐尖纤毛。
- Perianth campanulate, 4- or 5-lobed, margin ciliate. 花被钟状,4或5浅裂,边缘具缘毛。
- Sepals and petals 3 large and 2 small, apparently ciliate. 萼片和花瓣3大的和2小,显然具缘毛。
- Calyx lobes ovate, ca. 1.5 mm, setose and setose ciliate. 卵形的萼裂片,约1.;5毫米,具刚毛和具刚毛缘毛。
- Bracteoles reflexed after anthesis, acerose, ca. 3.5 mm, ciliate. 小苞片反折的在花后,针状,大约3.;5毫米,纤毛。
- We researched firtly the anti-virus effect of Ajuga decumbens and its component 8-o-acetylharpagide. 首次对白毛夏枯草及其成分8-o-acetylharpagide进行抗病毒作用的研究。
- We studied out the quality standard draft of Ajuga spray in terms of Pharmacopoeia. 首次按照《药典》要求,初步确定白毛夏枯草喷雾剂的质量标准草案。