- airway management nursing team 气道管理护理小组
- Predicting Trouble in Airway Management. 在气道管理中预测评价的问题。
- It introduced nursing progress and the indication of nasotracheal intubation, airway management, monitoring of respiration and basic nursing care of patients. 介绍了经鼻气管插管术的护理进展。
- Airway management, antibiotics and judicious surgical incision and drainage are the mainstays of successful therapy. 维持呼吸道,抗生素之给予及审慎评估是否手术切开引流是能够成功治愈病人之主要因素。
- Conclusions : LMA is a safe and effective form of airway management in neonates during general anaesthesia. 结论: LMA用于新生儿全身麻醉的呼吸道维持是安全和有效的。
- The SOS - Shikani Optical Stylet is an innovative airway management tool easily tailored to your setting and budget. 紧急呼救-尼光针是一种创新的气道管理工具容易适合你的设置和预算。Rugged components assemble in seconds and can be sterilized for repeated use.;凹凸不平的零件装配秒,可消毒重复使用。
- Laryngeal Mask Airway and Bougie Intubation Failures: The Combitube as a Secondary Rescue Device for In-Hospital Emergency Airway Management. 喉罩和探针插管法失败后:食管-气管导管可以作为医院内紧急气道处理的备选安全设备。
- The dosed aspiration system could be the first choice for airway management, because it administered to keeping the normal airway pressure. 密闭式吸痰有利于维持良好的气道压力,可作为急性呼吸衰竭机械通气患者进行气管内吸痰时的首选方法。
- It indicates that specific and effective airway management can decrease the incident of VAP and increase patients’ survival. 提示具体有效的呼吸道管理措施是减少呼吸机相关性肺炎、延长患者生命及提高治愈率的保证。
- This issue is focused on the strategies of airway management related to the prevention of VAP according to the latest clinical evidence. 本文结合最新的临床研究证据阐明气道管理与VAP防治的策略。
- Methods:The surgical skill, airway management, postoperative complications of the pneumonectomy of right lung and reconstruction of carina and bronchus for lung cancer in 12 patients were discussed. 方法:分析了12例右全肺和隆凸切除气管重建术的手术方法、疗效及主要并发症的发生原因及处理方法。
- In urgent situations or emergencies, such as when a patient is in cardiac arrest,airway management is of paramount importance, and there are very few contraindications to orotracheal intubation. 在紧急状态下或急症时,如患者心跳骤停,气道管理极为重要,但气管插管仍有极少的禁忌症。
- Objective To explore the reasons of instability of nurses in wards,so as to improve the stablity of nurse team and the quality of nursing service. 目的了解病房护士不稳定的原因,提高病房护士素质和护理质量。
- We continue our discussion of airway management today. Proper endotracheal tube insertion is important to avoid mainstem bronchial intubation. Today's questions concern proper positioning of an ETT within the trachea. 恰当的气管内插管对避免主支气管插管非常重要,本周我们讨论ETT在气管内的恰当位置。
- The application of virtual realty technique and human analogue to such first-aid training is reviewed as the training for dressing, hemostasis, fracture fixation, casualty transport, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and urgent airway management. 本文对利用虚拟现实技术及模拟人在包扎、止血、固定、搬运、心肺复苏和通气等急救训练中的应用作一综述。
- Conclusion Submental endotracheal intubation is a secure and effective technique of airway management, an alternative to tracheotomy in treatment of patients with complex facial fractures. 结论经颏下进路气管内插管是一种安全有效的插管方式,在复杂面部骨折手术治疗中可以替代气管切开气管内插管。
- DATA SOURCES: Using the terms "airway management", we searched Medline for airway management device-related articles, which were published during January 1990 to February 2006 in English. 资料来源:检索Medline 1990-01/2006-02与气道管理设备相关的文献,检索词“airway management”,限定文献语言种类为英文。
- In urgent situations or emergencies, such as when a patient is in cardiac arrest,airway management is of paramount importance, and there are ery few contraindications to orotracheal intubation. 在紧急状态下或急症时,如患者心跳骤停,气道管理极为重要,但气管插管仍有极少的禁忌症。
- Strengthening nursing team management to improve the cohesion of nursing 加强护理队伍管理增强凝聚力
- There is an inert management team in our company. 我们公司的管理阶层死气沉沉。