- Some enemy planes were picked up by our radar installations. 几架敌机被我们的雷达装置发现了。
- aircraft radar installations 机载雷达系统
- All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations. 所有现代化船只都有雷达装置。
- Radar technology; a radar installation. 雷达技术; 一个雷达站
- There were 256 meteorological observatories with radar installations and 356 satellite cloud map receiving stations. 全国共有气象雷达观测站点256个,卫星云图接收站点356个。
- Two intruding enemy planes were picked up by our radar installation. 我方雷达发现了两架入侵敌机。
- Development of Heat Exchanger for Aircraft Radar 飞机雷达热交换机的研制
- Vega Aircraft Radar Enhancing System "维加"飞机雷达增强系统
- The watchtower followed the aircraft by radar. 瞭望塔通过雷达追踪这架飞机的行踪。
- Aircraft Radar Navigation System 飞机雷达导航系统
- Aircraft Radar Target Information System 机载雷达目标信息系统
- Enemy aircraft were detected by our radar. 敌机被我方雷达发现。
- There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen. 雷达萤屏上出现了敌人的飞机。
- a network or radar installations designed to detect enemy missiles or aircraft while there is still time to intercept them. 设计用来探测入侵的导弹或飞机以便有足够的时间进行拦截的网络或雷达系统。
- a network or radar installations designed to detect enemy missiles or aircraft while there is still time to intercept them 设计用来探测入侵的导弹或飞机以便有足够的时间进行拦截的网络或雷达系统
- The initial detection had been made north-east of Mannar at 10.18 p.m. by 2D radar installed by the Government of India at the SLAF base at Vavuniya. 初步检测了东北地区马纳尔在下午10时18分的2D雷达安装由印度政府在SLAF在瓦武尼亚基地。
- Mai Tang 2.0 t models of vehicles in the parking former head of the radar installation, Teng step to enhance the safety. 迈腾2.;0t车型在车辆的头部安装了前泊车雷达,使迈腾的安全性得以提升。
- The SA2 is a long range equivalent to the light radar system. The T2 Radar Installation can be upgraded into the T3 Omni sensor. SA2比起它的轻型版本来说有着更大的侦测范围.;2级雷达设备可以升级为三级全面侦测器
- The UEF's standard radar installation is an effective way to monitor an area for unauthorized trespassing. The light version has a limited range and armor, but can be upgraded. UEF的标准雷达装置是一个有效的;以非法侵入为目地的;区域监控系统.;这种轻型版本有着有限的侦测范围和少量的装甲;但是可以升级为更高等级
- The aircraft was flying above thick fog. 飞机在浓雾上空飞行。