- aircraft and airport noise 飞机和机场噪声
- The aircraft and its crew were posted missing. 据报这架飞机和机组人员已失踪。
- The trouble with "buffer states" in an age of jet aircraft and atomic weapons is that they do not buff. 在这个喷气式飞机和原子武器时代,缓冲国不再起缓冲作用了。
- The holiday cost 50 pounds plus insurance and airport taxes. 这次度假的代价是50英镑,另加保险费和机场税。
- It was used in ship, dock, road, highway and airport widely. 广泛应用于船舶、码头、船坞、道路、高速公路、机场。
- GRO and Airport Representative greet the guest at the airport. 客服关系职员及机场代表在机场迎接客人。
- Every soldier must learn how to deal with tanks,aircraft and so on. 怎样对付坦克、飞机等等,每个战士都得学会。
- A gust of wind overturned the aircraft and smashed it up. 一阵风把飞机刮翻,并被撞毁。
- Infantry may function as the pointer for aircraft and artillery. 步兵可以为飞机、大炮指示目标。
- Now, you should create some formations of aircraft and ships. 现在,你应该产生飞机的一些编队和船。
- He is likely to be put on an aircraft and flown home. 他很可能会被人用飞机送回家。
- X-43A aircraft and 3.65 meters long, a wingspan of 1.5 meters. X-43A飞机长3.;65米、翼展1
- They had no direct radio link with aircraft but used telephones to stay in touch with airline dispatchers, airway radio operators, and airport traffic controllers. 他们不与飞机建立直接的无线电联络,而是同航空公司签派员、航路电台工作人员和机场管制员保持联系。
- Please take the airport shuttle bus when you leave the aircraft and it will take you directly to the arrival hall. 请您下飞机后乘坐机场摆渡车,它会直接送您到到达大厅。
- A total of 45 surface wipe samples were collected using swabs onboard the aircraft and inside the airport terminals. 另外使用拭子于飞机客舱内及航空站内采集45个表面采样样本。
- Hsu, C.I. and Lin, P.H. (2005), “Performance assessment for airport noise charge polices and airline network adjustment response,” Transportation Research Part D, 10(4), pp. 281-304. 张有恒,台湾地区国内航空客运费率计算公式之研究,交通部运输研究所委讬,国立成功大学交通管理研究所,民国80年。
- Collect the history of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, aircraft and film. 收藏纽西兰皇家空军的历史、飞机和影片。
- Their factory is in a very good area for getting to the motorway and airport. 他们的工厂位于很好的地区,去机场和上高速公路相当便利。
- The flow of air on the surface of moern aircraft and missiles may be laminar. 近代飞机和飞弹表面的气流可能是流线的。
- Most of my buddies know about the basic aircraft and how it should work. 我的伙伴当中绝大多数都知道飞机的基础知识和飞机是如何工作的。