- airborne radioactive materials 空中放射性材料
- The chemistry of radioactive materials. 放射化学研究放射性物质的化学
- All the radioactive materials give off the harmful radioactive which can be deadly at high levels. 所有这些放射性材料都放出有害的射线,小则致癌,大能致死。
- airborne radioactive material 空中放射性物质
- ANS. Sampling and Monitoring Releases of Airborne Radioactive Substances from the Stacks and Ducts of Nuclear Facilities. ANSI/HPS N13.1-1999,1999. 卢正永.;核设施烟囱和管道气载放射性排放物的取样监测--美国新标准内容介绍;辐射防护通讯;2003;23(1):35;23(2):36;23(3):40
- This paper evaluates the airborne radioactive concentration,dose-rate of internal and external exposure as well as purification mode and operating time of ven... 本文对燃料破损可能导致的气载放射性浓度、场所内、外照射剂量率进行了估算,同时对通风系统的净化方式、净化时间进行了评估。
- The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation-proof container. 放射性材料贮存在防辐射的特殊容器内。
- A structure or system designed to prevent the accidental release of radioactive materials from a reactor. 防泄漏系统一种为防止反应堆中放射性物质的事故性泄漏而设计的装置或系统
- The nuclear facilities including the nuclear reactors will produce the airborne radioactive substances consisting of radio-particulates (P), radio-iondine (I) and radio-gases (G), normally called PIG. 摘要反应堆等其他重要核设施所产生的气载放射性微粒物(P)、放射性碘(I)和放射性气体(G),通常简称为PIG。
- This paper evaluates the airborne radioactive concentration, dose-rate of internal and external exposure as well as purification mode and operating time of ventilation systems in reactor building. 本文对燃料破损可能导致的气载放射性浓度、场所内、外照射剂量率进行了估算,同时对通风系统的净化方式、净化时间进行了评估。
- A person handling radioactive materials has no way of telling whether he is touching something too "hot" for safety. 一个处理放射性物质的人却无法断定他是否正在接触某种太“热”的危及安全的东西。
- In our lab everyone is supposed to wear a mask to protect himself from radioactive materials. 在我们的实验室,人人都要戴面具,以防放射性材料。
- In our lab,everyone is supposed to wear a mask to protect himself from radioactive materials. 在我们的实验室,人人都要戴面具,以防放射性材料。
- Radioactive materials - Packagings - Tests for contents leakage and radiation leakage? 放射性材料--包装--内容物泄漏和放射泄漏的检验
- The substance does not belong to radioactive material. 该货物不属放射性危险性。
- You should be very careful when you use those radioactive material. 你们使用这些放射性物质的时候一定要非常小心。
- Just like dealing with radioactive materials, all radioactive wastes should be labeled with a radiation warning sign. 正如处理放射性物品一样,所有放射性废物都应当贴上标志以示警告。
- The importation of the radioactive isotope, radiation equipment and other radioactive materials should come up to applicable state regulations. 进口放射性同位素、射线装置和含有放射性物质的物品的,按照国家有关规定办理。
- The robots used in nuclear power plants handle the radioactive materials, preventing human personnel from being exposed to radiation. 由于核电站的机器人处理辐射,材料,使职员不暴露于辐射。
- When the amounts of ingested and excreted radioactive materials reach an equilibrium, a constant level of radiation will be achieved in our body. 当我们食入和排出的放射性物质达到平衡时,我们体内便维持著一个稳定的辐射水平。