- Air cooling and air heating coils 空气冷却器与空气加热器
- Methods of Testing Forced Circulation Air Cooling and Air Heating Coils 循环压力冷却和压力加热线圈的试验方法
- Test methods for determining the performance of air cooling and air heating coils 空气冷却器与空气加热器性能试验方法
- Less electricity, heating coil is not easy for rough short of work, good results demagnetizing. 耗电少,线圈不易发热,适用于短而粗的工件,退磁效果佳。
- APPLICATION:For producing filaments,heat wires,grids,spring,supports and aluminizing heat coil and etc.within electric light source parts and electronic appliance components etc. 用途:用于电光源及电子器件中的灯丝、热丝、栅极、弹簧、支架及蒸铝加热线圈等。
- Air-heating systems circulate air through ducts to and from an air heating collector (Figure 1). 空气加热系统使空气循环,通过通往或是通出空气加热收集器的管道(见图一)。
- The unit is consisted of a stainless steel heat coil made of stainless steel sheath bonded with stainless steel fins encase in an IP44/IP56 stainless steel enclosure. 该装置由一个不锈钢加热管构成,该加热管是将不锈钢肋片粘结在不锈钢套管内,并封装在一个达到IP44/IP56要求的不锈钢外壳内而制成。
- Other air heating and dring equipments,for instance,dryer,air drying road and so on. 其它空气加热和烘干的装置,如烘干器,空气烘道等。
- Also covered are forced air heating, heat pumps, automatic control thermostats, flues and sound and vibration. 此外盖住是被被迫的空气加热,热泵,自动控制恒温器,烟道和声音和振动。
- To counter the abuse existing in air heating app aratus of gas combustor at ammoniumsulfur drying system,the technique refo rmation of heater is made and is successful. 针对杭钢焦化硫铵生产线硫铵干燥系统的煤气燃烧器空气加热装置存在的弊端,进行了技术改造,并取得了成功。
- The paper introduces a coating with high temperature resistance and insulating property for surface insulation process of electric heater coil of heating coil in automobile cigar lighter. 介绍一种能耐高温和绝缘的涂料及应用于汽车点烟器发热线圈电热丝表面绝缘处理工艺。
- To counter the abuse existing in air heating apparatus of gas combustor at ammoniumsulfur drying system,the technique reformation of heater is made and is successful. 针对杭钢焦化硫铵生产线硫铵干燥系统的煤气燃烧器空气加热装置存在的弊端,进行了技术改造,并取得了成功。
- U type elbow is added to the vertical steam coil to increase elasticity and flexibility and reduce heat stress caused by expansion of heated coil. 在蒸汽盘管直段上部加装U型弯管以增加盘管弹性和柔性,减少了盘管受热时因膨胀而产生的热应力;
- Abstract: To counter the abuse existing in air heating app aratus of gas combustor at ammoniumsulfur drying system,the technique refo rmation of heater is made and is successful. 文摘:针对杭钢焦化硫铵生产线硫铵干燥系统的煤气燃烧器空气加热装置存在的弊端,进行了技术改造,并取得了成功。
- The unit is consisted of a stainless steel heat coil made of stainless steel sheath bonded with stainless steel fins, an electric driven fan both encase in an IP44/IP56 stainless steel enclosure. 该加热器包括一个不锈钢护套和不锈钢散热片构成的不锈钢热线圈以及一个电动风机,并具有一个防护等级为IP44/IP56不锈钢外壳中。
- It is a kind of air heating appliance,high temperature,high-power,fast heat response speed, the specific configuration and appliances and heating equipents. 它是一种温度高、功率高、热响应速度快的空气加热器件,具体的结构、尺寸可完全按客户的使用要求进行设计、生产。广泛用于各种家用电器,加热装置上。
- Elevated levels can volatilize into the air heat preservation board refrigeration water, and maintain long-term food warming effect. 架空空气层可以挥发掉保温板冷凝水,保持长久的保温效果。
- And the old-fashioned type system, there is no filtrator, so you need Bison company on air heating or cooling back, resulting in a waste of energy costs. 而老式系统,没有过滤装置,因此需要Bison公司对空气进行重新加热或冷却,从而造成了能源成本的浪费。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。