- air brake grease 气闸润滑脂
- Reverse thrust air braking are failure. 反喷和减速板故障。
- The unit consists of auto air brake switch, commutation transformer, commutation unit, direct current contactors. 整个控制柜由自动空气开关、整流变压器、整流单元、直流接触器等主要部件构成;
- Description of content: The agency is proposing to amend our air brake standard to improve the stopping distance performance of truck tractors. 国家公路交通安全管理署运输部拟修正空气制动器标准以加强拖拉机安全距离之遵守。
- Pneumatic brake and hydraulic brake two-in-one,for air compressors,air brake master cylinder,wheel cylinder,door pump,cluth,booster,wheel cylinder,etc. 集气压、液压制动综合为一体;可对空气压缩机,气制动总泵,分泵,门泵,离合器,助力器,液压制动主缸,轮缸等各类制动附件进行试压试验
- In view of 120-1 air brake fault characteristics, it used fault tree analytic method union logic code way to establish knowledge rule-set. 针对120-1空气制动机的故障特点,本文利用故障树分析法结合逻辑编码的方式建立知识规则集。
- The double and single pressure measuring instruments in the standard systems were developed specially for the measurement of pressure in vehicles with a compressed air brake. 用于标准系统双值和单值压力测量仪器,是为了满足带有压缩空气式制动器车辆压力测量,而专门研发的。
- A comparison among different kinds of brake pressure regulation methods in air brake system is made,including traditionary Pressure-limited Valve,Proportion Valve and ABS System. 对气制动系统制动压力调节的各种方法进行研究与对比,包括传统的限压阀、比例阀以及汽车防抱死系统。
- Small four-wheel tractor air brake tappet is made from plastic, and its diameter, lengthoften vulnerable to the effects of changes in air lead to brake failure. 小四轮拖拉机的气制动阀挺杆是由塑料制成的,其外径、长度往往易受热胀冷缩的影响而改变,导致气制动阀失灵。
- The safety switch controlling the ignition circuit in gas engine and flameout magnetic valve in diesel engine is used in air brake system to realize the automatic protect. 为保证车辆的安全运行,在气压制动系统中施加安全保护开关,控制发动机的点火电路(汽油机)或熄火电磁阀电路(柴油机),可实现低气压时的自动保护。
- A two-wheel vehicle model for ABS was established,including body model,tyre model,brake model and air braking system. 建立了一种两轮车辆制动防抱死系统(ABS)的车辆模型、车轮模型、制动器模型和气压系统模型;
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- The rubber diaphragms used by train brakes could pass the air pressure in the air brake distribution valve, and straightly affected the brake property and running safety. 铁道车辆制动机的橡胶隔膜在空气制动分配阀中起传递空气压力的作用,直接影响制动性能和行车安全。
- Pressure measuring equipment in safety design S2 as specified in DIN 38030 for compressed air brakes in vehicles. 在安全设计S2中,压力测量装置被DIN38030标准指定用于车辆压缩空气制动。
- The weight of the loco is 90 tonnes and maximum speed is 120 km.h, and dual vacuum and air brakes are provided. 机车重量为90吨,最大时速为120公里;小时,并装有真空和空气双重制动器。
- The new vehicles were of higher capacity, privately owned and fitted with air brakes. 这种新型车辆性能更佳,私密性良好并装有空气制动系统。
- The weight of the loco is 90 tonnes and maximum speed is 120 km/h, and dual vacuum and air brakes are provided. 机车重量为90吨,最大时速为120公里/小时,并装有真空和空气双重制动器。
- This bus is powered by a Cummins ISB engine, and Allison automatic transmission, and equipped with air brakes. 这张图片是从我摄的一段视频上截下来的,虽然不全,但是这是最清楚的一张了。反正后面和其它校车长得一样,是吧?
- Long Stroke Air Brake Actuator Marking 长行程空气制动作动器的标志