- They offer financial aid with no strings attached. 他们无条件提供财务援助。
- Its impartiality: the UN does not represent any national or commercial interest. It can develop therefore relations of trust with countries and their people to provide aid with no strings attached. 公正性: 不代表任何国家和商业利益,能够与各国及其人民建立信任关系,提供援助 不附加条件。
- The money was lent to us with no strings attached. 这些钱借给我们是无附带任何条件的。
- A gift should be given with no strings attached. 送礼应该没有任何附加条件。
- It's a straight deal with no strings attached. 那是一笔没有附带条件的直接现金交易。
- China gives aids to developing countries with no strings attached. 中国对发展中国家的援助是不附带任何条件的。
- We are prepared to lend you the money with no strings attached. 我们准备出借这笔钱,不附加任何条件。
- * Its impartiality: the UN does not represent any national or commercial interest. It can develop therefore relations of trust with countries and their people to provide aid with no strings attached. * 公正性: 不代表任何国家和商业利益,能够与各国及其人民建立信任关系,提供援助 不附加条件。
- aid with no strings attached 不附带任何条件的援助
- But some of the most precious gift in life come with no strings attached. 可是生活中的有些最宝贵的赠品却是不带有任何附加条件的。
- And what does that mean? It means God forgives with no strings attached. 这意味着什么呢?神既然无条件地赦免罪人
- The Burmese leaders have said they will accept relief aid as long as it is not politicized and comes - in their words - with no strings attached. 缅甸领导人则提出,只要不把对缅甸的援助政治化,而且不带任何附加条件,他们就会接受国际救援。
- The aid we provide has no strings attached. 我们提供的援助不附带任何条件。
- Give us an entertainment flatrate with no strings attached, free of device dependencies and with all of our favorite artists, and the cash is certain to start pouring in. 无条件的给我们的娱乐统一定价,并且不受设备限制的提供任何需要的节目,现金自然会滚滚而来。
- So the experience of having money handed to him with no strings attached and without any negative comments would likely create a state of mind of pure elation. 所以,无偿得到钱,还没有人责骂,会让他产生得意洋洋的思想状态。
- You'll find programs written by enthusiasts and distributed with no strings attached: games, graphics, office suites, fonts, every kind of desktop tool and gadget imaginable. 你会发现由爱好者们写的程序,没有附加限制:游戏、图像、办公套装、字体,每一种想象得到的桌面工具和小程序。
- I understand that on any given day, Wall Street may be more comforted by an approach that gives banks bailouts with no strings attached, and that holds nobody accountable for their reckless decisions. 我明白,要是有一天,我们想出一个办法,不用任何附加条件就可以为银行提供援助,做出鲁莽的决定却不用承担责任,华尔街可能多少会松一口气。
- He was ready to sell the business for5,000 dollars with absolutely no strings attached. 他准备以5,000美元的价格卖掉他的店铺,无任何附加条件。
- a generous offer with no strings attached 一项不带任何条件的慷慨给与
- a gift with no strings attached. 一份没有任何附加含义的礼物