- Agricultural product trade disputes 农产品贸易争端
- Yu'nong High Quality Agricultural Products Trading Co. 裕农优质农产品贸易公司。
- Entry into WTO, agriculture products trade balance reverse? 入世,农产品贸易平衡逆转?
- the dependence of agricultural products trade 农产品贸易依存度
- Sino-Korea agricultural products trade 中韩农产品贸易
- agricultural products trade association 农产品行业协会
- How to Understand the Chinese Agricultural Product Trade after the Sino - Japanese Trade Disputes 从中日贸易摩擦透视中国农产品贸易
- The Main Modus Operandi of Developed Countries Using TBT in Agricultural Product Trade and Its Revelation 发达国家在农产品贸易中使用TBT的主要做法及启示
- Zeng Yanhua Associate Professor Main research interest: agricultural economic management and agricultural product trade management 主要研究方向:农业经济管理、农产品贸易管理
- Agricultural production of wheat, potato, peas. 农业主产小麦、薯类、豌豆。
- Agricultural production of wheat, corn, beans. 农业主产小麦、玉米、豆类。
- Agricultural production naked oats, flax, potatoes. 农业主产莜麦、胡麻、土豆。
- agricultural production trade 农产品贸易
- There have been enormous increases in agricultural productivity. 农业生产率已得到巨大提高。
- This exchange might then spur on agricultural production. 有了交换,就可以刺激农业生产的发展。
- We trade in agricultural products with many of foreign countries. 我们与许多国家进行农产品的交易。
- An Analysis Of The Influence On Agricultural Product Trade From China-Thailand Agricultural Products Agreement 中泰农产品协议对农产品贸易的影响分析
- In this way we helped to increase agricultural production. 我们就是这样促使农业提高了产量。
- The agricultural production is on the rise this year. 今年的农业生产呈上升态势。
- Steady development in industrial and agricultural production. 工农业生产稳步发展。