- So why do countries not tear down their agricultural policies? 那么,为什么各国不放弃自己的农业政策呢?
- Japanese Agricultural Policy in Manchuria. 日本在满洲的农业政策。
- The first sector explains the characteristics of agricultural policies in industrial countries. 第一节阐述工业国农业政策的特点。
- Part II of this Report develops these themes in the context of agricultural policies. 本报告的第二部分就这些主题在农业政策方面的意义予以进一步展开。
- Agricultural policies do not charge predictably in response to each new economic shock or shift in priorities. 农业政策并不能预先根据每一次新的经济冲击或经济重心的变动而变化。
- China has carried out some new agricultural policies, aiming at raising farmers'living standards. 中国已执行了一些新的农业政策,旨在提高农民生活水平。
- Agricultural policy 2011 - hang on, liberalise or economise? 外文期刊 Agrarpolitik 2011 - verharren, liberalisieren oder sparen?
- Industrial countries' agricultural policies may be aimed at solving domestic problems, but their effects spill over onto the rest of the world. 工业国的农业政策可能旨在解决本国问题,但其影响波及到了世界其他地区。
- In addition to dramatic growth of agricultural trade among the NAFTA countries, agricultural policies of the three countries exhibit some similarities. 北美三国的农业政策的一致性趋向日益加强,各种类型的农产品价格的趋同程度与产品的贸易自由化程度成正相关。
- He also bulked up the party's agricultural policies to better appeal to longtime LDP supporters in depressed rural areas. 他还改变了党的农业政策,以更好的吸引农村地区原来自民党支持者的支持。
- An inadvertent agricultural policy miscalculation can also be costly. 农业政策上一个无意的失误,也会招致昂贵代价。
- Agricultural policy has conflicted with other agricultural goals and with other national policies. 农业政策与不同的农业目标以及与其它的国民政策之间存在矛盾。
- The two farmers reminisced about the good old days before the EEC agricultural policy. 这两位农夫回忆起欧洲经济共同体农业政策以前的那些美好日子。
- Agricultural policies are compromises both within the sector and between agriculture and other interest groups. 农业政策是农业内部以及农业与其他利益集团间妥协的产物。
- The French reserved absolutely the right to decide their own agricultural policy. 法国人完全保留了决定自己农业政策的权利。
- Agricultural policy has been far more effective in increasing output than in reducing it. 农业政策对于增产的作用始终大于减产。
- Secondly, a significant reform of agricultural policy had been carried out in China. 这就大大促进了农村经济的发展。
- Drummond, W.J. Anderson and T.C. Kerr, 1966. A Review of Agricultural Policy in Canada. Agricultural Economics Research Council, Ottawa. 德鲁蒙德,安德森和克尔,1966年,加拿大农业政策回顾,农业经济学研究理事会,渥太华。
- The EEC's Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding 13 pounds a week to the food bill of the average British family. 欧共体的共同农业政策是:一只每周增加13磅食物的恐龙在给普通的英国家庭开帐单。