- Victory on the agrarian reform front! 祝我们在土地改革战线上的胜利!
- A movement for equitable distribution of land and for agrarian reform. 平均地权运动,土地改革为平均分配土地和土地改革而进行的运动
- Since the agrarian reform polarization has taken place among the peasants. 在土地改革后,农民发生了分化。
- Experience has shown that agrarian reform cannot be thorough unless the poor peasants and farm labourers are fully mobilized. 经验证明,土改必须在贫雇农发动起来的基础上去进行,才不致煮夹生饭。
- The agrarian reform enabled us to form an alliance with the peasants on the basis of democracy and enabled them to obtain land. 土地改革,使我们在民主主义的基础上同农民结成了联盟,使农民得到了土地。
- Agrarian reform will be completed in 1952, except in some areas inhabited by minority nationalities. 土地改革,除一部分少数民族住居的地区以外,即将于一九五二年全部完成。
- As for Tibet, neither rent reduction nor agrarian reform can start for at least two or three years. 西藏至少在两三年内不能实行减租,不能实行土改。
- By the winter of 1952 agrarian reform was basically completed, except in some minority nationality areas. 到一九五二年冬,除一部分少数民族地区以外,基本完成了土地改革。
- In the days of the agrarian reform, we consulted the masses whenever problems arose in order to straighten out ideas. 土地改革的时候,有事同群众一道商量,打通思想。
- It was the victory of the agrarian reform that made possible our victory in overthrowing Chiang Kai-shek. 有了土地改革这个胜利,才有了打倒蒋介石的胜利。
- Although agrarian reform distributed land to both sexes on the basis of equality, such laws were carried out unevenly. 虽然土地改革在土地分配上实行男女平等的基本原则,但是这种土地法规执行上却参差不齐。
- This is like our treatment of the rich peasants in the agrarian reform; when we left the rich peasants untouched, the middle peasants were at ease. 正如我们在土地改革中间对待富农一样,我们不动富农,中农就安心。
- Certain minority nationality areas where the agrarian reform has not been completed can be exempted from setting up co-operatives. 个别地方是少数民族区,又未完成土改,可以不搞。
- In the agrarian reform movement, the peasant masses rose against the landlord class and got land after three years of struggle. 土地改革运动,农民群众起来斗地主阶级,斗了三年,取得了土地。
- In the autumn we shall start agrarian reform in vast areas with a population of some 310 million in order to topple the entire landlord class. 今年秋季,我们就要在约有三亿一千万人口这样广大的地区开始土地改革,推翻整个地主阶级。
- Now it is the test of agrarian reform that we have to pass, and I hope we shall acquit ourselves just as well as we did in the test of war. 现在是要过土改一关,我希望我们大家都和过战争关一样也过得很好。
- When we reduce rent and interest, suppress the bandits and local tyrants and carry out agrarian reform, the masses of the peasantry will support us. 我们实行减租减息、剿匪反霸、土地改革,广大农民就会拥护我们。
- In the Philippines, FAO has provided support to the Government's Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Programme (CARP) through a number of projects. 在菲律宾,粮农组织通过若干项目向菲律宾政府的综合土地改革计划(CARP)提供了支助。
- If we do not allow rent reduction and agrarian reform, it will be a manifestation of Han chauvinism and it will mean we have not taken into account their immediate interests. 如果不允许他们实行减租、土改,那就是大汉族主义,就是不直接照顾他们的利益。
- It may be compared with the doctrine later put forth by the Chinese Communists, in the agrarian reform which preceded collectivization. 它也许与教条比较由中国共产党以后投入, 在在集体化之前的土地改革。