- aging before wealthy 未富先老
- The boy was here first,but age before beauty! 这个男孩第一个到达这里,不过年龄比相貌重要!
- Carefulness bring age before time. 心太细,易衰老。
- The boy was here first, but age before beauty! 这个男孩第一个到达这里,不过年龄比相貌重要!
- We hummed and ha'd for ages before deciding to buy the house. 我们犹豫了很久,才决定买这所房子。
- Soiled samples need aging before cleaning to complete soil fiber interactions. 沾污的样品在清洁之前须经过一段老化时间,使其完成污垢与纤维相互作用。
- I wrestle with the crossword clue for age before light finally dawns. 那纵横字谜的提示,我琢磨了很长时间才恍然大悟。
- I wrestle with the crossword clue for age before light finally dawn. 那纵横字谜的提示,我琢磨了很长时间才恍然大悟。
- He lived to a great age before he finally went the way of all flesh. 他活了好大的年纪才离开人世。
- He had been prophesying the space age before man had even learned to fly. 他预言了太空时代的到来,在人类还没有学会飞之前。
- "Because the tellers were not aware of his age before and now they are. “因为以前出纳员没意识到他的年龄,现在才想到。
- We hemmed and hawed for ages before deciding to buy the house. 我们犹豫了很久,才决定买这所房子。
- In America,all establishments that serve alcohol require us to show proof of age before entrance is granted or services are rendered. 在美国,所有供应酒的地方都会在允许我们进入或提供服务之前要求我们出示年龄证明。
- We hope the merriest of Christmas to you or ywe loved firsts, or we hope you happiness or prosperity in the age before. 咱们向你及你的亲大部份人致以最美好的圣诞祝贺,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,开心美满!
- I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned. 我对这个问题冥思苦想了很久才豁然开朗。
- Ruiz-Geli is not interested in returning to the dark ages before Modernism. 鲁伊斯-杰利对回到前现代主义的黑暗时代并不感兴趣。
- Organizing the basic-level unit to implementing conscription registration for the male citizen with expiration of 18-year-old age before 30th September every year. 每年9月30日以前,组织基层单位对当年12月31日以前年满18岁男性公民进行兵役登记。
- The Italian international midfielder waited for an age before hammering a shot into a baying Stretford End, and he conceded that pressure could well have been his undoing. 意大利国脚在斯查福德看台前发球之前犹豫了很久,他承认自己承受了巨大的压力。
- The aging football player was playing on the skids. 那个上了年纪的足球运动员很明显地在走下坡路。
- To emphasize the issue of elderliness, the researchers also asked this group of participants to write down their age before beginning the tests. 为了更强调年长的问题 ,研究人员先要求这组学员写下自己的年龄,然后再开始测试。