- Macro-economics views aggregate supply as the function of price and the aggregate production function is the foundation of economic growth theory. 摘要当代宏观经济学把总供给看成是物价水平的函数,而经济增长理论又以社会总生产函数为基础。
- Economists frequently use the concept of aggregate production function, which states that the arowth rate of output related to the growth rates of the conventional inputs labor and capital. 经济学家经常使用总生产函数的概念,它说明产出的增长率和常规的投入即劳动力投入和资本投入的增长率相关。
- Total Factor of Productivity(TFP)which is a “Solow Residual ”of the aggregate production function, reflects not only the technology level but also the institution of one economy. 全要素生产率(又称“索洛余数”,英文Total Factor of Productivity, 简称TFP)来自于总量生产函数,它不单反映一国的技术水平,还反映制度状况。
- The application of the aggregate production function--An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between China's Foreign Trade and Economic Growth 出口扩展型总量生产函数的运用--中国对外贸易与经济增长关系的实证分析
- What is the relationship between aggregate supply and production function? 那麽总供给与总生产函数之间的关系究竟如何?
- aggregate production function 总量生产函数
- Path analysis and Cobb-Douglas production function were used. 使用路径分析与柯布-道格拉斯生产函数进行测定。
- For such a production function,there is no doubt that IRTS exists. 技术进步带来的效益不是规模报酬递增的效益。
- Consumer of misdirect of exaggerated product function. 夸大产品性能误导消费者。
- We shall do so in order to focus on the aggregate production and consumption of nations. 我们将这样做,以便把注意力集中在各国的总生产和总消费上。
- Unwind collocate electro motion rise and down product function. 放卷配置了电动升降料的功能。
- The shape of child's grimace is applied to expose the product function. 借用小孩鬼脸的造型作为载体说明其产品的功能。
- The result indicates that VES production function has many good natures. 论证结果表明:VES生产函数是一种具有诸多优良性质的生产函数。
- This might cease to be the case if, as the supply-siders believe, aggregate productivity growth were to rise far more quickly than in the US. 假设,按照供应学派的主张,日本整体劳动生产率的增长远远快于美国,这个难题也许会迎刃而解。
- In fact, there are an infinity of consumer and production equilibria that yield Pareto optimal results.There are as many optima as there are points on the aggregate production possibilities frontier. 西方经济学家承认,英国十分严重的贫富悬殊的社会问题,由于第一次世界大战变得更为尖锐,因而出现以建立社会福利为目标的研究趋向,导致了福利经济学的产生。
- Crop water production function under dynamic optimal management of fertilizer supply. 养分优化管理条件下作物水分生产函数。
- A fuzzy analysis method for studying Cobb-Douglas' production function is introduced in this paper. 引进模糊分析方法研究Cobb-Douglas生产函数,运用模糊线性回归分析与线性规划求得Cobb-Douglas生产函数的模糊弹性参数;
- The production function of Conb-Douglas was compared with the other models of density effect. 用Conb-Douglas生产函数林木密度效应模型与其它密度效应模型进行了比较。
- Discusses the effects of employee turnover on enterprise focused on the Cobb Douglas production function. 本文针对Cobb?Douglas生产函数就员工离职对企业投入与产出造成的影响进行了研究。
- Study of Aggregate Production Planning Based on VMI VMI策略下的综合生产计划研究