- Age of reason?Ninomiya in anti-war film Letters From Iwo Jima. 上周五电影在全英公映。和我想的分毫不差,少有。
- Biblical exegesis was a phase of the rational approach to religion that was popular in the Age of Reason. 圣经的注释是对宗教作理性探讨的一个方面,这种探讨在理性时代是很流行的。
- Perhaps it is time for those of us who once aspired to follow in the footsteps of the developed world to come upon our own age of reason. 也许对于我们当中曾一度渴望仿效发达国家的人们来说,现在应该是独立判断事物的时候了。
- The eighteenth-century England is also known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. 英国的十八世纪也同时是启蒙主义时代,或曰理性时代。
- In The History of Insanity in the Age of Reason , through a reading of Descartes, Foucault established reason and madness as a binary opposition. 福柯在其著作《古典时代的疯癫史》中 ,通过解读笛卡儿的一段论述 ,将理性与疯癫对立起来 ,认为理性排斥了疯癫。
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。
- His elegant piece of reasoning impressed me deeply. 他简要明确的论证给我留下深刻的印象。
- I don't think he looks his age of seventy. 我感到他看起来不像70岁的人。
- Rather than a massive censorship, beginning with the verbal proprieties imposed by the Age of Reason, what was involved was a regulated and polymorphous incitement to discourse. 相比于发端于理性时代语言礼节的大规模审查制度,更为复杂的是一种调控的、多形态的话语煽动。
- The age of majority is eighteen. 成年的法定年龄是18岁。
- The Age of Reason is famous for being the period in which a person is considered capable of making reasoned judgments. 理性时代是一段非常著名的时期,我们通常认为那时的人有能力做出理性判断。
- He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. 他十三岁那年就离家出走了。
- At the age of thirty, Mary began to lose colour. 玛丽在30岁的年纪就红颜渐逝了。
- She was orphaned at the age of ten. 她在十岁时成为孤儿。
- My father retired at the age of 60. 我父亲六十岁时退休了。
- My grandmother got married at the age of seventeen. 我的祖母十七岁就结婚了。
- To ask $5000 for a small house like that is out of reason. 那么小的一幢房子索价五千美元是没有道理的。
- He was already balding at the age of 25. 他25岁就秃顶了。
- He left for a variety of reasons. 他由于种种原因而离开了。
- Cole popped off at the age of twenty. 科尔在二十岁时突然死去。