- age at sexual maturity 性成熟年龄
- The female dog reaches sexual maturity at 6-8 months of age, and has two estrus cycles per year. 母狗在6-8月达到性成熟,而且每年有二次发情期。
- Irian Jaya carpet pythons reach sexual maturity at 18 months to 3 years of age, at length of about 3 feet for males and 4.5 feet for females. 伊里安查亚地毯蟒(印尼地毯蟒)性成熟需要18个月-3年时间,成体雄性长度达3尺,雌性4.;5尺。
- I should guess his age at about 30. 我想他的年龄在30岁左右。
- A young animal that has not reached sexual maturity. 幼雏还未达到性别成熟期的幼小动物
- The female wolf reaches sexual maturity at 2-4 years and has one estrus cycle per year, in February or March. 母狼2-4年才达成性成熟而且每年只有一次发情周期,在每年的二月或三月。
- The female hybrid can reach sexual maturity at any time between these two extremes, and can have one or two estrus cycles per year. 母混血儿能在这二种极端之间的任何时候达成性成熟,和每年有一次或者二次的发情期。
- I estimate her age at thirty-five. 我估计她三十五岁。
- Leopard geckos reach sexual maturity around 18 months of age under optimal conditions. 在最佳状况下,豹纹在18个月左右达到性成熟。
- I should guess his age at 50[him to be 50]. 我看他有50岁。
- I'd put her age at about twenty. 我估计她年龄约20岁。
- The attainment of sexual maturity by an organism still in its larval stage. 幼期性成熟有机体仍处于幼虫阶段已达到性成熟
- I'd put her age at not more than twenty. 我估计她的年龄不超过20岁。
- In America,both men and women come of age at 21. 在美国,无论男女都以21岁为法定成年年龄。
- I shall guess his age at about30. 我想他的年龄在30岁左右。
- The 3n ASCC fed in pond can not only rearch sexual maturity ,but be reproduced. 池塘中饲养的雄核发育异育银鲫性腺不仅能成熟,而且也能生殖。
- It seemed that she did not mind age at all,either. 看来她也不在平年龄啊!
- These typically need to grow to a large size and relatively old age before they reach sexual maturity, and are often caught before they have had a chance to reproduce. 这些鱼类需要长时间成长,才达至可繁殖的阶段,以及长大至可供食用的体型,可惜它们通常在可以繁殖前已被捕捞。
- There aren't any girls our age at the camp. 露营地没有和我们年龄相仿的姑娘。
- There aren't any girls of our age at the camp. 露营地没有和我们年龄相仿的姑娘。