- agar impression material 琼脂印模材料
- A gelatin-like substance obtained from kelp and used in impression material. 一种从海藻中获得的类似凝胶的物质并且用于印模原料.
- What type of impression material do the clinicians at Bicon use for the non-shouldered abutment? 使用无肩支台体时,在拜肯技工所技师使用何种采模物质?
- Of course, material is the first choice character, choose natural stone to wait for the product that has cool and refreshing tactile impression material, glassily as far as possible. 当然,材质是第一选择,尽量选择天然石材、玻璃质地等有清凉触感的产品。
- Objective:To evaluate the dimensional accuracy of alginate impression materials mixed with chlorhexidine solution. 目的:研究0.;2%25洗必泰溶液调拌藻酸盐印模材料;观察其对模型精度的影响。
- silicone rubber impression material 硅橡胶印模材料
- Vinyl polysiloxane impression materials must not be combined with condensation type silicones or polyether impression materials. 乙烯基聚硅氧烷一定不要与缩合型硅树脂或聚醚印模材料组合使用。
- C-R Syringes allow for fast, easy and precise placement of composites, cements, glass ionomers, impression materials and other flowable products. 这种注射器可以快速,方便,准确的注射复合材料,粘固剂,玻璃离子体,压制材料和其他易流动产品。
- elastic impression material of cellulose ether 纤维素醚性印模材料
- Impressions, impression materials, temporary restorations and their materials. 印模、印模材料、暂时性修复和牙齿修复材料。
- alginate hydrocolloidal impression material 藻酸盐水胶体印模材料
- Completely remove the oxygen inhibition layer of composite materials, e.g. fillings or core buildups, it may impair or retard the setting of silicone impression materials. 彻底去除复合材料(如:填料或中心聚集材料)的抑氧层,它会削弱或阻止硅树脂印模材料的凝固。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- hydrocolloid impression material 水胶体印
- hydrocolloidal impression material [医] 水胶体印模料
- sodium alginate elastic impression material 藻酸钠弹性印模材料
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。
- cellulose ether elastic impression material 纤维素醚弹性印模材料
- Her gentleness has given me a deep impression. 她的亲切给我留下了很深的印象。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。