- Against this background Luther sought spiritual peace with God. 在这种背景下,路德寻求与上帝的精神和平。
- It was against this background, and Cairns on the stage of history. 正是在这样的背景下,凯恩斯主义登上了历史舞台。
- The concept of Packet Transport Network (PTN) came into being against this background. 分组传送网 (PTN) 的概念就是在这样的背景下应运而生的。
- It is against this background that we have proposed to solve the Hong Kong and Taiwan problems by allowing two systems to coexist in one country. 正是在这种情况下,我们才提出用“一个国家,两种制度”的办法来解决香港和台湾问题。
- Not least against this background,a letter of 12 February from Iraq's National Monitoring Directorate may be of relevance. 2月12日来自伊拉克国家监督委员会会的一封信也许有一些相关性。
- Against this background, an unprecedented number of acts of violence broke out along the cease-fire line beginning on 5 August 1965. 在这种背景下,一九六五年八月五日开始,在停火线上空前频繁地发生暴力行动。
- Not least against this background, a letter of 12 February from Iraq's National Monitoring Directorate may be of relevance. 2月12日来自伊拉克国家监督委员会会的一封信也许有一些相关性。
- Against this background, we do not see the need to retain the Provisional Municipal Councils after the terms of office of their members expire at the end of 1999. 因此,我们认为,临时市政局和临时区域市政局议员任期在一九九九年年底届满后,并无必要保留两个市政局。
- This time, the Government, the special seminars that print solution is against this background and is also the first series of seminars. 这次政府文印解决方案专项研讨会,就是在这个背景下召开的,也是系列研讨会的第一站。
- Against this background, Jing-group advanced "harmony"in terms of aesthetics, which embody their unique value indination. 在浮躁凌厉的20世纪30年代,京派提出了“和谐”的审美境界,体现了他们独特的价值取向。
- Against this background she comes over as a dangerous, unstable, even transgressive figure?a woman on the edge in many senses. 在当时的生活背景下,多萝西出脱成了一个危险不定、甚至不为世人所包容的形象??成为多种意义上的边缘女性。
- Against this background, the Chaling and Chenchuang poetry schools prevailed and they had close communication between themselves. 茶陵派与陈庄体山林诗派风靡当时并交流密切,正是以此为社会背景和心理基础。
- Against this background,we do not see the need to retain the Provisional Municipal Councils after the terms of office of their members expire at the end of 1999. 因此,我们认为,临时市政局和临时区域市政局议员任期在一九九九年年底届满后,并无必要保留两个市政局。
- As many other delegations also had expressed in the SCCR, the Delegation feared that against this background, the diplomatic conference would not be successful. 如同其他许多代表团也在SCCR会议上表达的意见一样,该代表团担心,外交会议在这种情况下不会成功。
- Facts militate against this opinion. 事实不能说明这个论点。
- Against this background, Mr Lascelles gives the FSA grudging praise: “It's not so much that it has been good but that it has been less bad than elsewhere. 在这种情况下,Lascelles先生给了英国金融监管局(FSA)颇为勉强的赞扬:“虽然他们做的不算好,但也不比其他地方来的差。”
- Against this background the sixth Beijing-Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Symposium held in deepening co-operation and promoting common prosperity, is of great significance. 在这种背景下举办第六届京港经济合作洽谈会,对于加深两地合作,推进共同繁荣,具有十分重要的意义。
- The committee was dead set against this plan. 委员会坚决反对这一计划。
- The people are crying out against this injustice. 人们对这种不公正表示出强烈不满。
- We strongly protest against this remark of yours. 我们强烈抗议你说的这句话。