- after welding treatment 焊后处理
- The treatment technology before and after welding of PDC bit is the main factor which affects the welding strength. PDC钻头焊前脱水方式、焊后炉中冷却初温与冷却时间等工艺参数的合理选择是提高PDC钻头焊接强度的基础。
- Bending deformation: The component bends in one side after welding. 弯曲变形:构件焊后朝一侧弯曲的变形。
- Inspecting welding seam of hatch coaming after welding. 货舱口围板焊接后焊缝检查。
- Checking structure integrity of superstructure(deckhouse)after welding. 上层建筑焊后结构完整性检查。
- Good weldability, surface will not be hardened after welding which simplifies the following procedures. 焊接性佳,表层不会硬化,可使其后的过程简化。
- After weld repairs, however, the overall quality and reliability of a cast valve is difficult to determine. 但是,在焊补后,铸件阀门的整体质量和可靠性就变得难于保证。
- Decrease the weld number as possible: Choosing the right thickness of steel plate can reduce the rectification amount after welding! 尽可能的减少焊缝数量:适当选择板壁的厚度,可减少焊后变形矫正量。
- The homemade wear-resistant cast steel has high hardness and high tendency of hardenability after welding . 自制抗磨铸钢硬度高、焊后淬硬倾向严重。
- The trawsform on the weld penetration depth are studied after welding the Austenitic steel of activated flux with TIG welding. 在采用TIG焊接方法时,在奥氏体不锈钢的表面涂敷一层活性化焊剂进行焊接,会影响焊缝熔深的变化。
- After welding the bottom passageway in ESP (22M), it was did no grinding but paint directly. 空预器22米层走道底部焊接后没打磨上漆;
- Electric discharge machining, creping, and blasting are possible after welding, as well as heat-treating and nitriding. 焊补后的模具可进行放电加工,热处理及渗氮处理等。
- This product require full penetration, double groove,back gouged after welding,and follow the welding sequence. 本产品要求全焊透,开设双面坡口,正面焊妥后背面碳刨清根后按顺序施焊;
- After welding is complete, they shall be removed flush with the base metal without undercutting. 焊接完成后,应清除这些临时部件至与母材金属表面齐平,不得出现咬边。
- It used for water tank of car and some large plastic pieces products which watertight and non-leakage after welding. 汽车水箱等特大胶件并要求达到焊接后不漏水,不漏气的产品。
- Post heat treatment after welding 焊接后后热处理
- This is a method of reliving the internal stress set up in steel during forming, cold working, and cooling after welding or machining. 这是消除内应力的一种方法,内应力是在钢铁的成形中,冷加工中,焊接或切削后的冷却中产生的。
- The process of vibratory stress relief(VSR) is discussed to reduce the residual stresses after welding of stainless steel plate. 为了消除超大不锈钢焊接底板的残余应力,研究了采用振动时效(VSR)的方法消除焊接残余应力。
- He is in a bad way after treatment. 经过治疗他尚未痊愈。
- By peening head, impulsive force with a certain frequency was applied to the metal of the weld seam and the weld toe when they were still hot after welding. 通过用电磁锤锤头对焊后尚处于高温状态的焊趾和焊缝区金属施加一定频率的锤击力,迫使焊趾处的金属向焊缝中心流动,抵消致裂拉伸应变,达到防止焊接热裂纹的目的;